Red Mage Changes – Dawntrail Media Tour FFXIV

I was invited by Square Enix to check out FFXIV Dawntrail early, and here’s how RDM is changing as well as what I think it means for the future of the job!


0:00 Intro
1:13 New Skills
2:38 More Info & My Thoughts
3:50 Tooltips

#ffxiv #dawntrail #mediatour


19 thoughts on “Red Mage Changes – Dawntrail Media Tour FFXIV”

  1. Im slightly concerned with how red mages reopener is going to get changed because of these changes. Im gonna have to rebrain how to do my reopeners for a double finisher inside of buffs I suspect, which will be…slightly annoying.

  2. Thank you for the video! In your time with RDM, did you notice if there's an option to uncouple Jolt and Grand Impact? (I get the feeling you would've mentioned that, but thought I'd still ask.) If this were an option, it would at least somewhat alleviate the problem with Fleche dualcast window alignment. Swiftcast being on a shorter cooldown at 100 is nice and could work for Fleche alignment as it currently does, but if you use it for anything else and misalign Fleche as a result you're kind of out of luck. (I recognize this is a tiny micro-optimization and if you drift Fleche by a second you and your DPS will not die. Would still be nice to have as an option though.)

  3. I am actually pleasantly surprised by the acceleration grand impact change as it makes rotations a lot different.

    I dont like manafication not being based off gauge as balancing mana was an interesting part of the job.
    .this looks good

  4. So is it like this?
    Manafication pretty much the burst window set starter.
    – it gives 3 stacks of magic swordplay.
    – give 6 stacks of manafication, which is increase magic damage dealt by 5%. so if you use up all 6 damage buff, can get cineration.

    If you have 50 50 mana for the burst window.
    1) Manafication
    2) Embolden
    3) 3 Swordplay +5% manafication + 5% embolden
    4) 3 finisher +5% manafication + 5% embolden
    5) Cineration (using manafication button) + 5% embolden
    6) 3 swordplay + 5% embolden
    7) 3 finisher + 5% embolden


    For the mobility seems only works after lv 84.
    with 2 charges, can instant cast Verthunder 3, Veraero 3, and impact. acquired at lv 50
    Ensures Verfire and Veraero triggered.
    Grants Grand impact ready.

    Grand Impact
    Jolt 3 and Impact change to grand impact.
    Means it only works after level 84 if it's only Jolt 3.
    Not sure if you can use it with impact button for when you sync to below 84.

    After lv 84. Acceleration with 2 charges now give 2 ogcd each?
    1) Acceleration + Verthunder 3
    2) Grand Impact
    3) Acceleration + Veraero 3
    4) Grand Impact
    5) Swiftcast + Verstone

    Jolt 3, 360 potency at lv 84
    So Jolt 2 RDM damage between lv 62 to 84 got nerfed from 320 to 280. if you happen to not proc something… looking at ucob, uwu and tea.

  5. Are you able to hold a stack of Grand Impact Ready or do you need to spend it immediately? If you can hold it, you may still be able to align fleche and contre sixte rather consistently if I'm thinking about it correctly


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