Realizing I suck… "A Crap Guide to FFXIV – Healers" reaction | By JoCat

Reacting to this video is almost a rite of passage as a FFXIV content creator. Today, I blind react to JoCat’s “A Crap Guide to FFXIV – Healers” and realize I have failed in so many ways.

Thank you @JoCat for keeping me humble and also entertaining me lol

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22 thoughts on “Realizing I suck… "A Crap Guide to FFXIV – Healers" reaction | By JoCat”

  1. Honestly if you let people die and the whole party wipes 90% of the people in this game will just say "welp that sucks, let's try that again" (or say nothing at all). So if you'd like some advice, learn to let people die. It will teach you where your limit is (also lower your healer anxiety). Experience is the best teacher and you'll get better as you go!

  2. if someone dies in this game, 99% of the time it's their fault and not the healer's. Also some of his stuff is more applicable to end game (running out of mana for instance, you have more mana management later.

  3. To me the hardest part of healing is getting used to quickly and accurately switching between targets. Depending on what jobs you play, you may never have had to target a party member mid fight, and it takes some practice to figure out what's most comfortable that allows you to also keep your gcd running and do mechanics.

  4. Pro tips: Use lucid dreaming at 7k or less mana
    Generaly speaking, if someone is above 50 percent they are going to be fine. There are exceptions to this, obviously, but for the most part 50 percent is fine
    Use OGCD abilities before OCD ones, weaving them in between your DPS casts. Everyone has them – they don't exist for emergencies, they exist to help you heal while not losing DPS
    It literally doesn't matter if people die. Worst case scenario, there is a 1 min walk before everyone is ready to try again. Losing is fun, so don't be afraid to try some risky stratagies and see how close you can get to the limit without dieing!

  5. Literally to play WHM you must forget about that you have mana.
    Amost all of your healing skills cost no mana to be used.
    Mana Eaters:
    Medica I and II
    Cure II and III
    Other than that, all of your massive healing spells cost no mana, at all. (Of course, considering you're in lv 80-90).
    Once you get a hold of Thin Air, everytime that you must cast Medica II or Cure III, you might use it to nullify that mana cost.
    About Damage, WHM have, as soon as I know, one of the most poweful spells in game, Afflatus Misery, that deal one thousand fucking and three hundred fucking magic potency.
    Literally not even BLM, which is the chaotic mage of "eksuporozion" can deal without a combo. Simply as it is. BUT you need to spend your white lillies into Afflatus Solace and Raputures three times.
    Your non mana eaters are:
    – Asylum (CD:90s)
    Damage reduction of 10% + lesser regen, good for slow paced damage.
    – Assize (CD: 45s)
    Heal + Damage, good on Pulls.
    – Tetragrammaton (CD: 60s)
    Chunky heal.
    – Afflatus Solace and Rapture.
    Nice and your primary healing spells once you get 72.
    Other thing, you're healing supportive skills are very important.
    Benediction (CD: 180s)
    The chunkiest healing, although situational.
    – Thin Air (CD:60s)
    Important, it has 2 charges before entering in CD, so it's very important to spend it quite focused.
    – Temperance (CD:120s)
    just as much situational as Benediction, Temperance is a healing augmentation and damage reduction to your party, use carefully.
    If you manage to work with it and understand it how WHM works properly, mana ain't a problem, not at all. If you don't… Well, You can always get to be a SGE.

  6. His videos are hilarious, and I still go back to watch them occasionally.

    You should see his video on how it took him 300+ hours to love FFXIV. Gives a real perspective on some things in the game imo.

  7. As long as you clear the content, you're doing fine. There's always a slider from best to worst and as long as you're somewhere in the middle, that's "good enough". Now, if you want to move onto Savage/Extremes, then yes, you'll need to up your game. But for Duty Finder, there's a lot of room for error, and there's lots of opportunities to learn. I wouldn't worry so much about the nuaces and intricacies unless you're planning on getting into high-end content, but then if you were in high-end content, then surely you would have known this stuff already. You don't need to be weaving and squeezing every last DPS out in a fricken 4man or somecrap, it's just not necessary. I find that stressing overmuch about perfect play ruins the fun of the more casual content of the game.
    EDIT: Heck, whenever I play Paladin sometimes I enjoy when a healer dies early in a boss fight, gives me an opportunity to flex how awesome I am when I'm able to solo the rest of it after the DPS inevitably die.

  8. MP management gets easier the higher level you are.

    My recommendation is to always use Lucid Dreaming when MP is about 80-85 %, or on cooldown. Regen is also King, so try to always have the AOE regen on everyone, + tank also gets the singel target one. Usually there is less spot healing then.

  9. It is not your job to keep up with the tank. If the idiot tank wants speed off and LOS your heals, let them die. They obviously do not want to be healed. Not every run needs to set the new speed run record time.

  10. There will come a time when you get trolled by the tank or the dps, even if most players are not like that, the odds are you will come across idiots. In roulette dungeons, if dps gets themselves killed it is their own damn fault. If they pull before the tank, let them die, the last thing you want to do is heal them and now you the focus of all the angry monsters. If the tank wants to pull everything whether the tank is geared enough or has enough cool downs or abilities, let them die they earned their own suicidal end. The tanks need to learn that just as they can try to force a speed run you can play limbo with their hp, as in how low you can get it, and how many times you get the dead just as all the mobs are dead, and you would show them how you optimized your dps at their expense. This is how you get to show you some respect and that your are more than just an hp battery for them to abuse.

  11. Healing the DF roulette dungeon is very different from healing higher difficulty content like an level appropriate extreme. Do not confuse one for the other and the people and expectations you'll encounter will show just how different that is.

  12. If you're ever insecure about healing, play with a friend that's a good tank and go through dungeons. Learning to heal a tank doing wall to wall pulls is the fastest way to get better because it's forcing you to get better. Whm is good as a beginning support. Scholar is still really good, the shields are top tier. Astro WAS a lot harder than it is now, but it's been baby-fied and is pretty easy with practice! …. I don't like Sage… BUT sage glams are great 😀

    (I'm going to talk about Whm since you say you play Whm) Whm is really good at wall to wall pulls once you get the cast Holy because you can cast Holy, heal the tank, cast Holy, and go back and forth. Holy stuns all of them so it's good to get the fast heal in!

  13. For up keep on mana my FC leader when I first started doing ex's and savages told me that lucid dreaming should always be on cool down ideally. You might also wanna check your skills to see which ones might give you mp back and get comfy using them for mp. If you still need more you can technically meld piety onto your gear to increase your mp regeneration rate but, that's generally not the bis for high level raiding gear.

    If you know someone who is talented as a tank try healing some stormblood dungeons. You can get some really good practice in them for doing more complicated healing as those dungeons allow for bigger pulls and the tank to invuln. Also, benediction is your friend as a whm. You can just watch the HP go down with glee when you have it up since that is a full hp heal.

    As you get more comfy healing you start realizing you can heal/shield less and the more people who know the fight the more damage you can do and the less healing you have to worry about. There's a huge difference in the amount of shielding/healing I do when my group and I don't know the fight versus when we do.

  14. I remembered the first time that someone died while I was the healer. I was so stressed out. BUT THEY LITERALLY SAID: “sorry, my bad”. I was baffled, confused and shocked. It turns out in FFXIV healing worked so differently than I was used to. After three years playing this game, and all healers at lvl 90, I can say that you have and absurd amount of tools to keep everyone alive. So, don’t freak out, just keep an eye on everyone from time to time, and prepare to spam the same button for 15 mins in a row 🥹. Most of the time people will die for their own fault, and there will be nothing you could have done to save them. So just raised them and keep spamming that button

  15. People don't really rage in this game. You are working through trauma. For WHM the note about never running out of MP has some facets to it. 1. keep lucid dream on cooldown 2. pointless overuse of aoe heals will burn through your MP. If someone is eating aoe's like cookies nothing you do will save them as the vuln stacks… stack. Don't feel pressured to save em. 3. at lvl 52 you get an ability that regains mp, heals everyone, does damage, and has no cast time. keep it on cooldown. 4. even later you get heals that cost no mp AND a buff that eliminates mp cost for a time on everything. WHM should generally never run out of MP if you are pushing your mp buttons.

  16. Honestly the best rules for healing:

    1) Keep gear up to date, your weapon and main stat affects how much you heal.
    2) always keep your mana regen on cooldown during fights and mob pulls.
    3) the DPS hold the most responsibility on keeping themselves healthy by not taking avoidable damage
    4) Your tank holds responsibility by making sure they rotate their defenses properly.
    5) you are not responsible for 4&5, if you need to critically heal do so to mitigate against a wipe.
    6) Learn your ABC's always be casting. As a white mage 90% of all your Global Cooldowns should be focused towards damage.
    7) HOLY is your best damage mitigation, it gives a stun for 7 seconds, 5 seconds, and 3 seconds (adds will build up stun immunity) so if you need to stun a mob do so, and alternate so you can keep the stuns going (unless the DPS is really good…then just burn em all with Holy fire).
    8) White Mage specificially gains a lot of its off globals at 52 and going forward. You'd need to cast heals far less.
    9) Lilies proc every 30 seconds, so always make sure you're not capped but at the same time if there's no damage going out dont waste them either.
    10). Learning how to heal minimally and efficiently is the best goal for any healer. The less heals you have to throw out means you'd have more time to do damge.
    11) always heal the unavoidable damage.

    Healer bad habits.
    White Mage bad habits
    100% HP andy….always casting medica/cure 2 to spot off 2% of HP missing.
    The Panic healer. Spamming cure and Cure 3 to heal even when there's no damage.
    The Cure 2 Proc enthusast. Spamming Cure 1 to proc Free Cure. Its a trap…never do it.

    General healer bad habits.
    Shielding after damage goes out.
    Improper use of mitigation tools to heal a party.
    Not using mitigation tools to heal and reduce damage to party.
    The Damage Bot, 100% damage, not healing when need to or shielding before damage going out.

    The optimal goal is to understand in the game what is avoidable and what isnt avoidable damage. Then planning out exactly what skills need to be where so you can push damage. As always more damage = more future mitigation.


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