Reading the FFXIV Official Forums was a mistake.

It started off strong, and then…yea. May god grant me the confidence of your average forum poster.

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47 thoughts on “Reading the FFXIV Official Forums was a mistake.”

  1. So this guy wants to make combat even more boring than it already is? Yeah square enix please don't implement this guys ideas on the forums I have a hard time getting into this game as a new player because not enough shit is going on as is now this guy wants to make it even more bland and boring.

  2. OK, I am currently a new player who, while currently a Lv.60 Samurai going through Heavensward, am still learning all the finer ins and outs of this game. Yet even I know that that statement about Samurais "wanting to minimize overwriting Higanbana but also not let Higanbana drop" is wrong. One, it's a debuff that slaps an (admittedly flimsy, not sure if the improved version learned later makes it better) damage-over-time effect on the target. So how would you overwrite that? Two, it lasts for a whole minute, and only requires 1 Sen charge to perform. You can perform the most basic Samurai combo and get the charge to use Higanbana to reapply the debuff. Hell, you could slap the enemy with Higanbana, do all three of the combos to get all three Sen charges to use Midare Setsugekka, do another combo to get one Sen charge for Higanbana again, and still have time left on the enemy's Higanbana debuff from earlier. If you are trying to keep Higanbana active on the enemy, there is no reason it should be dropping.

  3. Agreed, this game was HORRIBLY designed for melee DPS, to the point where people just didn't even bring them cuz they were a liability. Thing got a LOT better over the years but still wasn't perfect, melee still had to deal with a lot of criap that range DP$ (especially mobile range like Bards) didn't have to. Casters at least had a trade-off, Bards were just OP for much of the earlier days of the game.

    Not sure how it is now, since I have long quit the game.

  4. Also the funny sht is that these so called addressed issues or complaints can be solved by strictly following the rotation. Rotation is the max dps output in any mmo game. If u sht about not being able to reach highest potential dmg by not using the perfect rotation and choose to act like an id**t there is nothing we can do, you are just too toxic/stu**d to play now.

  5. “I don’t want to improve my ability to better the action manage/juggle mini-game that is the core of melee dps gameplay rotation, so I complain and whine about why I hate melee’s action juggling mini-game that makes melee unique. Please make melee’s identity palatable to me.”
    I reworded it in much less words.

    Does this point not understand that the balancing mechanism of melee is that you will “disconnect” from the boss and drop your dps? Like, that’s the whole point. You can’t be up close and personal 100% of the time.
    This person will be terrible if they ever get into learning how to play music instruments or dance choreography. Jfc

  6. I play this game for 21 days now and he sounds to me like this: "Why can't we fight Target Dummies which do not interact and just stand still, not casting skills, not moving. That way i can just do full combos without interruptions. And if we are at it, remove DOTs." Sorry if i missed something because i only undertood only half of what he read caused by lack of knowledge.

  7. The ranged attack interrupting combos is the most frustrating thing as a melee. If I'm in part 3 of my 1-2-3 combo, throwing out a single ranged attack is worth 1/3 of the damage (at best) but still eats up an entire GCD. It takes AT LEAST 3 GCD's to match the output of a single basic combo finisher and it NEVER feels good to use. More often than not, unless I'm already done with my combo, I will just sit and wait out the 1-2 GCD's of downtime I lose to continue and finish my combo.

  8. "Man look, I don't know, okay, I'm just some mediocre player that likes to flail awkwardly at Savage encounters and pretend that I'm any good at what I'm doing."

    You didn't need to volunteer that information. We could already tell.

  9. the melees have to deal with all this stuff, that's why they get more DPS.
    the casters basically have to stand still, that's why they get more DPS.
    the PRanged can move freely while attacking, that's why they get lower DPS.
    its that simple.

  10. Oh, tanks absolutely have to consider positionals. A good tank is considerate of melee dps players and will keep the enemy still most of the time so that the dps can use positionals effectively. A bad tank will spin the enemy around like they're in a washing machine

  11. To be fair, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to move while using Ten Chi Jin other than SE thinks it's cool and anime for you to have to stand still like it's a DBZ powerup scene.

  12. As a WoW player, I'm not entirely sure why youtube sent me here, but I'm glad to see damage logs and a willingness to Cull The Weak. I was told this game was one where damage meters and skill shaming weren't allowed so this is refreshing to see.

    A Massive Multiplayer RPG coming out of Japan ought to push gamers to their limits. People didn't overcome games like Dark Souls by removing positional requirements for backstabs and getting some arbitrary auto-parry stance, they won because they "got good."

    The punch line to that post is freaking great though. I'm impressed with anyone willing to commit a solid hour to writing a set up so long only to end it with "lol maybe I just suck or whatever."

  13. I'm actually kinda angry at this guy saying cautious dps gets made fun of for output. I'm very cautious because I'm not good at boss timing and don't want to die. But if I'm doing my job and I'm doing my rotation, no greed, I can still get a blue. If I greed a little and fit my buttons faster, a purple. Ofc optimizing with buffs then orange. But how bad you doing that you blame cautious on low output?

  14. i only play healer in casual content, I avoid playing melee. tanks and their spin starts get extremely annoying. throwing out an ogcd heal on someone who keeps standing in shit is so much less stressful than trying to guess what the tank is gonna do. especially with the new wave of players. tanks in casual content have 0 idea what they're doing. like its not rare in casual content and its fine a few times but over and over again. its not even about the dps loss its just fucking annoying after 20 times in a day. lol
    I agree that what the tank does doesn't just affect melee, I just wish there was more to teach tanks how to play their jobs. so when I do casual, I just tank or heal. its a lot more fun lol
    also sam has a cast time too uwu kek


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