Hidden Easter Eggs in FFXIV!

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41 thoughts on “Hidden Easter Eggs in FFXIV!”

  1. This easter egg isn't hidden at all – in fact it is a boss in Keeper of the Lake: Einhander.
    It is a nod to a game called Einhänder which was published by Square for the PSX in 1997. Being over 20 years old only a few people still know that game but I certainly had a chuckle when I fought that bird. The striking feature is that Einhander keeps getting new weapons that it holds in its claws just like the Fighters in Einhänder.
    Later in the Dungeon when you fight against Midgardsomr you face another bird again called Astarea carrying the shield generator. This is another nod to Einhänder since Astarea was one of the fighter craft you could chose (along Endymion Mk II and III)

  2. Don't know if it counts as an Easter egg, but the other day I entered my room in the Crystarium and found a shoebill on the table.

    Also, in the arena for O2, looking up you can see tonberries and a couple mandragoras

  3. I really want player versions of the Dwarven furniture. Properly sized furniture for my Lalafell's apartment! You've already made it, Square, let me put it in my room.

  4. There is also a few more, after the Omega quest you can find Omega and Alpha in certain zones, also some (idk if all) of the level 80job quests change the world, like on Dancer you can find Ranaa in Kugane and for Samurai you can find the "cowboy samurai" training at the school in Kugane

  5. As a WHM main, I couldn't help but be concerned about this insider lalafell who was missing spells on his hotbars…but I just noticed that the screen is cropped, so maybe they are to the side.

  6. They don't have to be well fed on Skalla! I see it all the time as the only miqo in my party and I've had everything to 80 for a long while so I save my food for raids and I see it every time. I don't know it wasn't popping for you if they weren't well fed 😮 I went through with a group on loop trying to get the seal minion and I was the only miqo in the party. In all 30+ runs I saw it every time and I hadn't eaten once… It was in those runs I learned it wasn't something everyone got 😮

    Also, the Lyna minion will sprint up to the Mystel minion and salute, she will also wipe her eyes as if she was crying 🙁

  7. Anyone know how the Pixie Fountain easter egg works? Like does a player have to have the AFK chair for X time and/or the wait resets when someone shows up? Because I've been sitting next to them in the fountain for almost an hour and they've not done anything 🙁

  8. It's so cool to see th minons fight. The only one I knew of was these two.
    Wind up – Louisoix and WInd up – Bahamut also start fighting if they are near each other. The Wind up Bahamut is from a soundtrack Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn Original Soundtrack Blue-ray Disc, first run print only.

  9. The Lyhe Mheg easter eggs nearly got my screenshot booted from a contest because it was assumed to be modded. We ran a bunch of people through the zone until we figured out how I managed to stumble upon that. XD

    Other fun things I've seen over the years:

    – Ultros minion will also dance with Calca and Brina, but it's evidently not as consistent?

    – The Fat Chocobo Hatchling minion will sniff the air if a Culinarian walks by it.

    – Deftarm will routinely walk up to the Firmament Skybuilder boards to look for things to do.

    – T'kebbe (pink Miqo kid) in Idyllshire will sometimes look to you while her friends race around the fountain and tell you betting odds. o_o

  10. I personally love how trust characters react to a certain mechanic on the final boss in Dohn Meg. Thancred runs a small distance before just yeeting over the gap, Alisae sprints it with a snarky remark, but my favorite is Urianger who considers the mechanic for a second and just teleports across the whole thing. I didn't cover everyone, but I like how that mechanic shows everyone's different personalities.

  11. Oh! I do remember there is an NPC named Modest Mouse in the Peaks and yes he does use the phrase "Float on." I think there is also an Immodest Mouse too but I don't remember where he is. You can also sometimes encounter random retainers doing their tasks.

  12. The boss ability 'Garish Light' which Petrifies you if you're facing it when cast, is a Phantom of the Opera reference. The song goes: "Turn your face away, from the garish light of day."


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