Quazii reaction to FFXIV Dawn Trail Expansion that is coming in 2023 – NA Fan Festival 2023 Trailer

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50 thoughts on “REACTION: FFXIV Dawntrail Trailer [NEW 7.0 EXPANSION]”

  1. I took a small break after completing Endwalkers story. This trailer got me super hype to get back into FFXIV! When I played I mainly just did MSQs, so I have a TON of blue quests and side content and such to do. Can’t wait until Dawntrail comes out!

  2. Is it weird that it's so cool to see nothing apparently important happening? Like, that's just a good ass way to setup the next arc; "Here's the gang, they are on vacation. Treasure hunting and shit."

    I'm sure folks are going to call it lackluster, but I'm so glad they are doing the opposite of trying to up the ante from Endwalker and Shadowbringers, because you can't do that while keeping the stakes low enough to ramp up into a new story.

    Adventurer expansion, let's fucking go.

  3. oh great. Xbox. Mega woke corporation Microsoft intruding on 14. Going to go full woke. Already had "Diveristy" mentioned in the main city – the main leftist media talking point *yawwwwn*, and the Trans flag field of flowers in the new zone. I doubt Yoshi wants to do this, but the power of these woke corporation demanding this shit, is too much.
    Everything woke goes to shit.

  4. New World hmm, not what I was expecting, but that's what we got. Looks interesting. Doesn't look like any of the Scions are getting new jobs, but our Gleaner friend is there so maybe he's going to be a new companion (if so, wonder if he'll be a combat companion or not and if so what job). WoL is clearly in a new sword job (no shield, one handed… swashbuckler maybe, kinda has that feel to it) No sign of Zero in the trailer so wonder if her part is effectively done in the story or if this teaser just skips showing her (both are reasonably strong possibilities, trailers don't generally show all our main companions). And no Krile, a bit surprising there since Krile is supposed to be a bigger part in the story, but again maybe not in the teaser. Krile could be a giveaway to the other job. No real sign of the new city, but being a teaser that's not surprising.

    Story wise I'm guessing this is kicked off by the business with the Gleaner and that letter Krile saw but put aside.

    All very interesting. No clue what's going to spark this all off. Since doesn't seem to connect to our current troubles in any way I suspect we'll have a pretty substantial .55 patch to introduce this whole thing with .5 allocated to finishing up the 13th storyline.

  5. The region we're going to is the New World (now known as Tural), teased in the Blue Mage questline back in Stormblood and the end of Endwalker. This is the homeland of the Mamool Ja and the place of origin of the Blue Mage. This is basically the Americas of FFXIV, if the "golden cities" hint wasn't obvious enough. There's plenty Mexican imagery to be found here though from what's been shown so far

  6. remember folks we don't usually get a huge amount until the second or third fan fest because if there is any connection to the previous patch they like to hide it until after we've experienced it. Don't forget they have said Krile is going to be an important scion in this expansion and there is currently no Krile to be seen.

  7. So yeah after dealing with golbez and saving the entire universe from the endsinger we go on vacation to the new world most likely after switching to the one of the new classes and drinking a fantasia and switching to femroth and we are joined by all our friends and g'raha gets to eat a taco for the first time boy's we are eating good next summer

  8. The coolest thing in this trailer to me is that every Scion is doing something they enjoy doing!
    We like fighting things, so we're fighting things.
    Estinien likes kids, so he's surrounded by kids.
    Y'shtola likes seeking knowledge, so she's investigating ruins.
    G'raha likes food, so he's having local cuisine.
    Thancred likes schmoozing with the locals, so he's charming some young women.
    And Urianger is enjoying a drink while he watches over his friends.

  9. I'm being thrown by the end of the video, and the differences between EN and JP versions. The last line in JP is spoken by a woman, with slightly different dialogue "there it is, the land where I was born and raised" as opposed to Erenville's "at last we have come to the land you call the 'New World', my home". It appears that the German and French versions also have this mystery woman speaking.

  10. I wish they’d give Alphi and Alisae their growth spurts. So we understand how long was the adventure between ARR and EW, because that’s enough adventure for 4 year in game time, right? And Elezen get growth spurts when they’re 20, so…

  11. I don't get how people get hyped over the heroes going on vacation. This is like one of the most BORING imaginable scenarios. I don't feel at all tempted to buy an expansion that is about a jungle vacation, holy crap. This doesn't measure up to Shadowbringers or Endwalker in the SLIGHTEST.


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