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Edited by Nahuel @itsallfunky
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1st hello all o/
Greetings travelers!
I don't know why people keep suggesting this video to new streamers to ff14. Iirc MisshapenChair said he don't want people to react to his videos and make a reaction video about it. I might be wrong.
This video was great
There's another group of weirdos – the 'FFXIV Discord subcommunities';
From PvP, Achievements hunters, Fisherfreaks, Huntmasters, to Baldesian Arsenal organizers.
The truly dedicated obsessives.
OMG the old graphics XD XD XD And its all Shadowbringers… Good times… Let the nostalgia wash over you, mates XD
14:54 — While running around in the most basic b*tch mansion XD
The big thing about Novice Network is that the Mentors (as one myself) use it as a global linkshell, and (on Cactuar, at least) answer questions that are asked. Sometimes there's trolls or asshats, but generally questions get answered pretty efficiently. I can't speak for other worlds actively, but most of the NNs I've been in have been similar.
Edit: Accidentally clicked send before typing the last sentence. Touchy touchpad is touchy.
Looooooove Misshapen Chair. He’s improved a lot since the old Shadowbringers videos, and I look forward to every new upload from him.
Go watch his video comparing Sea of Stars to Chrono Trigger, one of my favorite video essays.
It’s funny because the entire vid, Kyle has this look on his face that screams “I am being read and I am uncomfortable about it” lol
shenpai mentioned
Glamourers were the ones who were busy running maps when 7.1 dropped because they wanted the cool new weapons. I helped one farm for her new DRK sword that looks like a ridiculous flower patterned ceramic knife.
Unfortunately I have flower status now 😂 no leading the path to righteousness for a while. Work and school are keeping me busy but I can make out the light in the tunnel. Missing all the livestreams though 😢
Misshapen Chair vids are to FFXIV normies what Minions memes are to Facebook moms
I'm an omnicrafter but I make all my money just making furniture for people. Trying to craft high end gear/consumables is a sucker's game!
I appreciated the jokes in the social hierarchy video but wayyyyyy too many people took the mentor thing too seriously. I had to take a step back from actual mentoring because people thought it was more helpful to harass and mock mentors than make the effort to distinguish between the ones mentoring and the ones just using it for the crown.
Edit for clarity: there are definitely bad actors putting on the crown and doing all the things the guy mentioned, my complaint is just the hate campaign this video kicked off where EVERY mentor got treated as the problem.