Filmmaker Reacts: FINAL FANTASY XIV: SHADOWBRINGERS Full Trailer Cinematic

My Reaction to FINAL FANTASY XIV: SHADOWBRINGERS Full Trailer Cinematic! Subscribe for more and follow my twitch to discuss live, I’m a filmmaker and gamer Also check out my main channel, we just hit 160K Subs! What’s your favorite Final Fantasy Cinematic?



38 thoughts on “Filmmaker Reacts: FINAL FANTASY XIV: SHADOWBRINGERS Full Trailer Cinematic”

  1. How different is it trying to edit together a trailer for a game, where you are actively avoiding showing footage from the game itself and mainly trying to just sell on the concept of the content, versus a movie trailer which is (usually) all footage from the actual final product?
    Edit: And when the 'main character' could be very different for each person, haha…

  2. Funny thing, you asked if you play the Zenos fight in the previous expansion. The first release of the trailer actually cut that whole section out because the last patch had not been released yet.

  3. I would say that you should watch the ending of the Shadowbringers 5.0 story and the 5.3 patch ending as well (reaction videos are good, too, everyone cries). The in game cinematics are unmatched in the rest of the game. They really get into using custom animations and the camera work is just a cut above.

  4. My starting Job class was Lancer/Dragoon (got it to lvl 80), but I also play all the other melee DPS and Tank as Dark Knight (also lvl 80) and occasionally Gunbreaker tho it's still low level.

    Those are my current focus, but I've been meaning to branch out to the rest of the tank classes, Ranged DPS, and Red Mage once I catch up with the MSQ.

    My favorite character in all of 14 is not in this trailer (technically), so Im gonna say Thancred cuz he's the fucking man. Top 3 personal favs for me easy.

  5. The two in the burning forest are Uriangier and Y'shtola using the name of her master Matoya, beneath the city with the fat cat people is Thancred and Minphilia, and, yes class at the end is Dark Knight like pre-palidin Cecil

  6. every expansion or version of the game has its own highlight class/job. 1.0 had the Archer, 2.0 (ARR) had the Warrior, 3.0 (HW) had the Dragoon, 4.0 (SB) had a split between Monk and Samurai, 5.0 (ShB) has Dark Knight, and 6.0 (EW) will have Paladin.

  7. I play a male Au'Ra in FFXIV. I started my game as a Pugilist, but switched to Rogue the first opportunity I got. Played thru ARR exclusively as a Ninja.

    Once Heavensward hit, I still mained Ninja for majority of the game, but I started learning how to tank by playing the Dark Knight class that was released in that expansion.

    For Stormblood, I ended up switching my main DPS job to Samurai since it was easier for me to play, occasionally using Dark Knight for fun, but dropping Ninja entirely.

    As for Shadowbringers, I beat the first storyline as a Samurai, but since then I took the time to master a lot more jobs (Paladin, Monk, Machinist, Red Mage, Gunbreaker) and even tried healing for once (Astrologian, White Mage). Ironically, I took up Ninja again also, and pretty much went full circle with it being my main job again.

  8. My favorite character in ffxiv is hands down yshtola (the one they called matoya in this trailer), and my main job in the game is gunbreaker. Definitely a tank main.

  9. the entire trailer, except for the scenes with the warrior of light, is telling the backstory of all of the other characters, between the end of stormblood and when the warrior of light meets back up with them

  10. The Shadowbringers end scenes and 5.3 end scenes are absolutely phenomenal, but won't carry the same emotional weight if you don't play the rest of Shadowbringers. Buy a story skip, if you must, but you owe it to yourself as an FF fan to play it.

  11. The narrator is my WoL’s brother.
    I main Dancer, but I’ve been slowly working on maxing out all the jobs. My favorite to play after DNC is probably Red Mage. Dark Knight has a really good story; too bad I hate actually playing tank or healer, so those jobs I’ve been working on with fate farming.

  12. Best expansion ever thats for sure.
    Btw, does anyone remember that children's ryme about the warrior of darkness? i really like that one but have forgotten it 🙁

  13. Gotta love seeing a fan of the franchise reacting to one of these! It's been a while so your questions have probably been answered, but here goes:

    – Y'Shtola is using Matoya's name temporarily for plot reasons. Matoya is actually the old witch you'd expect, who lives in a cave, and has the same theme song as back in FF1. She's also Y'Shtola's mentor. The guy behind Y'Shtola is Urianger.
    – You do play the segment from the start of the trailer, first going through the battlefield of Ghimlyt and then going against Dummy Thicc Guy (Zenos). It's near the end of the previous expansion. The way it ends is very different, however.
    – The guy wearing a hood inside the Crystal Tower (yes, FF3's Crystal Tower) is not an enemy but an ally. Can't tell you his real name for plot reasons, but he goes by the title "Crystal Exarch".
    – The classes he goes through in the battle against the angelic enemy are, in order: Archer, Warrior, Dragoon, Monk, Samurai, and finally Dark Knight.

  14. The great thing about the trailer is that watching it before and after finishing the expansion hits differently and it's a new experience again. They intentionally tease things that are unclear the first time you watch, that become clear by the time you're done with the expansion. Who is the narrator? We don't know that before you start Shadowbringers, and by the end you are intimately familiar.

    Also, a lot of the context and references players will get. The job changes are in chronological order. In 1.0 he was an Archer (and also Gladiator, but not shown here, and we find out why in the Endwalker trailer), then he was a Warrior in 2.0. Dragoon in 3.0, Monk and Samurai in 4.0, and finally becoming a Dark Knight in 5.0.

    And then of course you mentioned Cecil, we then find out in the Endwalker trailer that his next job is Paladin, which is the job that comes out of Gladiator which is what he was in 1.0 and is not a double-reference. First he's come full circle back to the sword and shield and went from the class to the job. And secondly he went from Dark Knight to Paladin like our boy Cecil, and it looks like 6.0 is going to be heavy on the FF4 references.

    The Gunblade is indeed FF8 inspired. Yoshi-P mentioned that yes, there were already Garlean gunblades, but what people wanted was the more FF8 style gunblades right? So for Shadowbringers one of the new classes is Gunbreaker which Thancred showcased. The other new job is Dancer, along with the new Viera race, which was announced via this trailer by showing both simultaneously with that sweet panning-pause.

  15. I know I’m late to the game. But I didn’t realize it at the time but the entire game is like Final Fantasy fan service. You mentioned the music from earlier games. There’s stuff like that all over. One of the bosses you fight is freaking Kalfka for crying out loud. Lol.

    I never did get into the older games. First one I ever played was 7 on ps1.


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