Reacting to “FF14 Dawntrail – The Most DIVISIVE MSQ in HISTORY” by @Preachgaming

Preach Certainly has opinions on the Dawntrail MSQ and we want to hear them!

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22 thoughts on “Reacting to “FF14 Dawntrail – The Most DIVISIVE MSQ in HISTORY” by @Preachgaming”

  1. 15:30 "this is a story about wuk lamat, this makes sense"…. except that's not the trailer we got. as an audience we were promised several things during fan fest and the trailer. we were shown a lot of the scions in the trailer, instead they were barely there. we were shown krile, instead she's second fiddle. we expected a conflict between the scions. we thought it would be something deep, maybe even ideological, but instead it's just Amazing Race.

    the dawntrail cinematic sold players on a feel good vacation in brazil/mexico with the scions you love. instead we spend said time escorting a character that's annoying as hell, before running into the second half of the story that should've been given enough time as the whole story.

    15:44 "way too ignorant of her own culture for me to ignore" yeah. as a southeast asian that has to deal with foreign tourists, it's the 'multicultural' liberal ones that think they so worldly that are the most annoying to deal with. they're too obsessed with the "we're all the same in the end" and "the city I game from is so global and multicultural" for them to actually be open minded enough to respect and be humble enough to learn about the culture of the place they visited. at least a redneck knows he's a fish out of water.

  2. For as divisive as the launch of 7.0 has been, I still have a good deal of hope for the future patches and continuation of the new journey we are on will be a worthwhile one, addressing more plot threads and tying into the eventual launch as 8.0. I don’t blame anyone turned off by it, to say some stuff didn’t stick as they were throwing stuff at the wall to see how people would be receptive too it is an understatement, but I think it’s still worth being along for the journey. Perhaps it’s more naïveté to just hope it’ll be improve, but I side with Kyle on saying that I want to see how this new writing team handles the future of XIV’s narrative. I want to be there when it’s all said and done, knowing I stick through it fully.

  3. I agree with Preach about everything especially the death of the King & Kryle's story! I as The Warrior of Light would have stepped in & stop the attack! I hated that I just saved the whole Universe & I just stand there & watch the Evil Villian kills King Gulool Ja Ja!!! I love Sphene & I want more of her!

  4. Endwalker had some mixing issues early on too. I remember after the Venat Cutscene, the big one, when you're laying on the floor of the Oculus in the Tower… At least on launch that next line would BLOW YOUR EARS OUT. They did eventually fix it I think.

  5. Regarding Galool Ja Ja's death. It should have been an echo! Have us open the door to the throne room, and have Zoral Ja standing over Galool Ja Ja's body. Then we echo the fight scene while the other's try and save Galool Ja Ja.

  6. I heard similar complaints about being backseated to the main character with Zero, though that was largely moderated by FF4 nostalgia. Without the relentless thirst for Zero, or the nostalgia from FF4, I too, feel like Wuk Lamat was doomed, and would have gone over better if we had not literally just done the same mentoring role over the past two years of patch content.

  7. I feel this MSQ could have been saved with one of two simple changes

    Make Wuk and Koana the newly crowned Dawnservants before they come to Eorzea and they seek out the Scions to investigate a dome or domes popping up in Tural.

    Drop the whole Tural story and make 7.0 about the Scions going to the world of darkness to aid Zero.

  8. My fix for the Gulool Ja Ja scene would have been to have him toss out an eletrope force field that paralyzes everyone and makes it so we CAN'T interfere, right after he revives. Paralysis is a lightning adjacent debuff, so it would make perfect sense.

  9. Dawntrail… It's Stormblood 2.0, most people were not a fan of the MSQ but almost everyone praised the gameplay stuff. That's the silver lining at least, even for people like me that did not like the MSQ, it was still fun and I have high hopes for the patch content to be fun regardless of the story issues.

  10. ShB story was already so bad (with furthe cut content adding to it) that FF14 lost such a big amount of players, that they had to make a PR campaign by paying WoW social media trolls to lure in new players.

    EW was even worse to the level of disgusting, but of course DT makes the big mistake that it stop catering to the peopel who eat any shit as long as they can feel like that four year old kid's fantasy of being the invincible super hero with magic shields against everything and always right and winning without any effort.

  11. What Preach meant was not adding Wuk to Zero's story, it was replacing Zero's story completely, saving that for another time, and building up Wuk Lamata during the EW patches leading into DT, which probably would have helped her if they wrote her halfway decently.

  12. Why didn't Bakool Ja Ja get disqualified after he kidnapped and almost killed a judge, or when he unleashed a monster that once threatened half the continent?
    Why do we first learn about farming techniques when we arrive in Heritage Found, instead of immediately asking "What are those things on your heads? Zoraal Ja used one of them to kill the Dawnservant"?
    Why didn't we offer to heal that one kid in Solution Nine who's sick because of too much lightning aether? Shouldn't a porxie be able to fix that?
    Why didn't we mention that we saw Sphene during the attack on Tuliyollal? Why didn't Krile mention the soul sucking? Why don't immediately ask what's on the storage device in the earring?


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