Rating THE MOST UNHINGED Adventurer Plates on BALMUNG in FFXIV

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Today i react to the most UNHINGED adventurer plates in FFXIV. I love seeing people’s plates… especially on Balmung XD


10 thoughts on “Rating THE MOST UNHINGED Adventurer Plates on BALMUNG in FFXIV”

  1. Mare is a plugin that syncs up what people mod themselves to look like or other animations and sounds. So you would see them as they mod themselves to appear. Or so i have heard. All mods are TOS so just be careful not only with your own stream but others you might accidentally expose. Def dont use things like that live, some people like to go around and report things like that just to be a douche about it and it can result in a few days ban. While most stuff is for looks or quality of life it is all TOS.


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