Ranking All 7 of the FFXIV Inn Rooms b/c Why Not [FFXIV]

Why did I have the inclination to create an inn room tier list? I’m not sure. But I hope it’s at least a little enjoyable!

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0:00 Intro
0:53 Inn room details
1:42 Ul’dah – The Hourglass
2:19 Limsa – Mizzenmast Inn
3:01 Gridania – The Roost
3:47 Ishgard – Cloud Nine
4:45 Kugane – Bokairo Inn
5:30 Crystarium – The Pendants
6:25 Old Sharlayan – The Andron
7:35 Outro


10 thoughts on “Ranking All 7 of the FFXIV Inn Rooms b/c Why Not [FFXIV]”

  1. This is a very unique idea for a video! I can agree with most of your picks, but personally I'd actually swap the Gridanian inn room with the ones from Ul'dah and Limsa. I love the wood look and the flowery fountain is gorgeous. I'm not as big of a fan of the stone decor, so it's mostly just a matter of taste. The Foundation inn room was clearly made to look kind of depressing, so it hits the mark but doesn't win a lot of favor that way. The rooms in Kugane, the Crystarium, and Old Sharlayan are top tier, they have a lot of cozy touches and I love that they give us actual window views.

  2. I never knew Ishgard had inns… lol BTW, what about a look into the apartments in all the different wards? Do they even look any different then each other? Would be interesting as a video.

  3. I've played since 2013 and never knew there was a in-room in Ishgard. wow it's depressing haha. my personal S tier is Kugane cause I love that you have the innkeeper area in the front and then that beautiful rock garden view inside.

  4. Interesting! I've been thinking about this myself recently and I agree with all of your spots. I would have placed the Crystarium in S-tier if it had the barber.


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