The PvP Grind is RIDICULOUS! | Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #12

Few things in Final Fantasy XIV are as unforgiving as pvp achievements. From Crystalline Conflict, to Frontlines, to Rival Wings, player killing in an MMO has never been as much of a chore as it is here. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still have some fun with it! So saddle up and let’s go pwn the nubs!



23 thoughts on “The PvP Grind is RIDICULOUS! | Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #12”

  1. Pvp is my favorite way to get moogle tomestones during events, and I definitely didn't forget to show my total tomestone earnings at the end of the video. What's your favorite tome farm?

  2. Hey first again! Also been working on getting all PVP achievents for over 3 years now(maybe even more, it was before the garo event was locked out back in shb), dont want to dissapoint you but it will take…A LOT! It did make my favourite mode PvP in game, and its fun with a 2nd monitor to watch youtube or stuff…im doing it now! I can only say one thing. you are lucky, i got some of those achievements back in the feast days…CC is easy compared to whats now! Anyway good luck on what is basically gonna become your next 2 or 3 years and there is no way around it!
    Here is a tip to keep your sanity…only play until you win a FL match or maximum of 3 a day and maximum of 5 CC matches a day or until you win a match, then go something else. trust me after doing this for over 3 years im starting to question my sanity…dont force it too much, FL you can cheese it with ppl that know hoiw to do it but all will hate you, you can make RW pop up since you are a streamer, but on CC good luck!
    Ps: comment took to.long to write so not first again …sadge face

  3. Both frontline and RW can be queued in 4man partys, and I strongly suggest you do. In Frontline a good 4 person stack can push winrate closer to 70-80% instead of the standard 33%.

  4. The last time I did frontlines, I didn't get a single kill, I died several times, my team was in last place for the whole game….. then I decided to just sit in spawn and we won. So, just like in WoW, TCGs, shooters, fighting games, and almost everything else, me actually trying to win ensures failure for myself and my team. But when I give up and stop trying to actually contribute, we win. Starting to think it's me.

  5. Why does no one engage? Because trusting your team to charge in after you take the 3 million CC attacks is not something you do.
    The worst part about PVP is the people on your team, after that it's the said 3 million CC abilities and free heals.
    It also doesn't help that for some god forsaken reason PVP has the battle high mechanic but instead of preventing teams from being steamrolled, it actively encourages steamrolling it by rewarding people who are already doing well, putting the losing teams at an even bigger disadvantage. PVP is a horrible mess with dogwater balancing.

  6. There's a few good team leaders out there who I've seen organize dark knights to pulls rival players together and then get all the summoners to drop their Bahamuts at once resulting in wiping out entire teams in one shot, all while ensuring the various crystals or flags, etc. are all getting captured. Find those people and befriend them.

  7. regarding scoring kills in Frontlines, i have great success playing as a MCH. reassemble drill limit break is an instant oneshot once you build some battle high.

    truthfully tho, the best way to get kills in frontlines is the most basic tip youve ever heard. ALWAYS BE CASTING! the #1 rule of FF14 combat is the ABCs, it applies in frontlines too. play your Black Mage, keep your distance, and keep that GCD spinning on whichever stupid idiot thinks its a good idea to step towards you. as it turns out, hes not too fond of fire!

    i myself have scored games as DRG, MCH, SMN, and BLM with over 25 kills each, and when i earned the 5000 kills achievement, my average kills per match was 7 kills every match. with a 40% winrate when 33% is average, im truly a terror to meet on the battlefield!

  8. Note that there are also the GARO PvP Achievements. Which includes 1 achievement for EVERY SINGLE JOB that gives a title (obtained by wearing all of said job's Garo gear when talking to the merchant you buy them from) as well as having one of those titles active when winning 30 CC matches, 10 FL matches and 60 of either for three more achievements.

    I recently finished doing those latter three and I'm glad to be done with them.

  9. Getting one of the PVP 1000 wins title as a role took me about (on and off with gaps between) half a year to get with me intensively only playing CC when I logged on.

    I see Umbral Freeze 3 at the corner of my bed whenever I try to go to sleep now.

  10. Frontline is a mess. What it needs is a universal buff that adds CC immunity after being CC'd. At least a second or two, as getting stunlocked is really the major issue. As for Battle High, snowball mechanics are just not good, fun, or actually competitive. A team gets a major lead on Battle High and it's like trying to climb Everest in yoru smallclothes to catch up.


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