Raiding in Final Fantasy? EXTREMELY Good | FFXIV

Extreme double feature. We succumbed to EXTREME peer pressure. Thordan and Tsukuyomi have been defeated.

0:00 – Intro
2:21 – Thordan Extreme
13:55 – Tsukuyomi Extreme
27:20 – Extremes are Extreme

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29 thoughts on “Raiding in Final Fantasy? EXTREMELY Good | FFXIV”

  1. Sad that it's said that the dragons Nidhogg summons has no meaning, because they are actually his generals you fight in in the big Darkscale FATE in the churning mists

  2. "You now have to deal with all of the mechanics at the same time…" and "I don't think I've ever done an MMO fight where one player can destroy everybody…" My raid static is progging the current raid tier and I felt these sentences in my bones.

  3. I have to say, I really appreciate the watchers/teammates who join you guys and don't tell you what to do and let you guys workshop it out.

    I would really love for another Extreme, to watch you guys react to a guide breakdown of the fight and compare that with your experiences.

  4. I found Tsukoyomi really hard. That hard stop is there even when farming. Had to get on comms just to have a very kind stranger hold my hand through it.

  5. I am so excited for you guys to try savage raids. You may be disappointed in how unforgiving they are, but there's just nothing like perfectly executing mechanics. Because you can do it perfectly, it just takes practice. There is some cheese stuff you can do to mitigate, and imo a clear is a clear.

  6. Can't wait till you guys get into the Shb trials and raids. Imo they just keep getting better. Also Kyle? One player messing up a mechanic and killing everyone will be a theme going forward into Shb and EW raids and a few trials even.

  7. I think the reason Tsukuyomi isn't as solidly in the "hardest EX trial" conversation may be the first part + add phase. Those drag down the average difficulty a lot. It then has probably the biggest jump in difficulty between phases, and certainly is in contention for having the hardest individual EX mechanic(s).

  8. There's a whole story as to why Thordan EX is so difficult. In short, it is a Savage level raid disguised as an EX trial. This trial came out during the early days of the Alexander Raid series, and the devs badly overtuned A3S and A4S and made them nigh impossible to win without using exploits. As a way to fix this issue until 3.4, they released this trial to give players the gear they needed to be able to do A3S and A4S and win. This is likely the reason this fight is much harder than most EX trials in the game.

  9. GG branded post-its…honestly not a bad idea! Have them come in sets of two pads. One pad has a faint square on it and another with a faint circle on it, signifying the two most common arena shapes in the game, so you can draw markers, abbreviations, arrows, etc. Dark enough outlines that you can see them but faint enough for your brain to tune them out if you don’t need them. GG logo in the bottom right corner. Make it happen!

  10. Not as epic, but I think you should do Susanoo 🙂 the Ex of that one is really fun.

    Also, if you do Byakko EX, I'd like to point out that you can skip the sky diving if you're unsynched.

  11. I think Tsukyomi is harsh because it leans a little bit towards savage in terms of how punishing the mechanics are. It's easy as long as everyone does it cleanly but otherwise wipe almost imminent whereas the other extremes are usually messier but very recoverable.

    At least that's what I think

  12. Big fat tacos, big fat tacos. So big! …Anyways. This is one reason I keep playing FF14 even despite people trying to lure me back to WoW from time to time. I get an RPG with my monthly sub and all the extra stuff that I remember from MMORPGs that being: People logging in to hang out, Player driven and made content, endgame bosses that are fun. The only real price to pay is the tears and feels.

  13. boy oh boy, watching you guys run SoS Ex and Barbie Ex is going to be one hell of a time. lmao

    (tsukoyomi is definitely a top fight of FFXIV, extreme or normal, just a beautiful fight all around)

  14. I heard for years, from a podcast about MMOs that hasn't existed for a decade, about how WoW raids sucked because everything could be ruined by one person. Is that just not a thing anymore? Because that's how I imagine Blizzard likes to do difficulty.


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