Our community voted for which race and what name Mike should have when he created his first character in Final Fantasy XIV
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Lol, floor inspector
Good luck Preach. I decided to have a look what all the fuss is about two months ago. Now I can't think about anything except ffxiv.
Hilariously enough Floor Inspector works really well. Floor being an actual real female name in Dutch and once they start calling you mistress Inspector it goes aswell.
Well done community. Lalafel was too obvious. Good choice not going with that
audio quality is kinda unbearable
i hope he enjoys it and doesnt just play it cuz its hyped but he need to lean into it and drop the wow mentality and free himself into the universe
Fem roe, the Fetish Comunity will enjoy this
Back to Poe! Preach
had us in the first half ngl
Great he atleast dodged the race he was the least thrilled to play as.
Cant wait to see what he feels about the game in a few weeks.
How was 'A Chungus Amongus' not the name?
Ugh , this tasteless game again
Like I said about a month ago and people got pissed. Welcome to FF14 Preach.
given up on poe already mate… u lasted a lot longer than most of the player base…
Loved the video… hated the game sorry my dude. Go back to POE
Well, Max is doing well with Uggo Baby, so Preach will do well too, even if it's not a potato.
Should have been juan lucĂ Ć
wtf Hrothgar are NOT wolves XD
Damn he lucked out. Gets to be a muscle girl AND have an excuse to fail mechanics
How did Lallafell not win? XD
Wow, Preach's chat has some impressive tact to not make Preach one of those evil little potatoes.
I'm both surprised and impressed all at once
about time
The nice thing is that Floor Inspector is totally a Roe name
I am stoked at the choices that Preach ended up with!
I can't put into words how excited I am to witness the adventures of Floor Inspector
Female Roegadyn! The superior race!
There is no way in hell people were allowed to vote which race preach will play and lalafell wasn't the result. This was 100% rigged.
In time, you will change to a Lalafell. They all do. đ
Was he forced to pick a DoM? or did he just not see the giant axe mofo?
Oh hey, this the guy who tried guessing what mechanics did in Titania EX despite never playing the game I believe. Cool to see him trying it out.
Wtf why didnt anyone tell him he could start as melee, or what the different casters were? Kinda dumb seeing as how the class someone starts an mmo with can be a huge part of how their opinions of the game get formed đ but also come on mike actually look at your options before just barreling forth man
i am dissapointed lallafell didnt win
Someone needs to tell preach to set tab targetting to frontal cone mode. It's like the number one thing I wish I knew from day 1.
Is it me or his UI scale way to big?
Love your recent content mike and pg crew.
Tho it pains me that this anime game seems to be the new big mmo thing, guess i'll sit this one out
Yes on the Fem roe. Welcome to the community
Femroes Unite!!!
with that name how can he NOT be a Dragoon?
You know what…. Floor Inspector for a Black Mage, works really well
how the actual fuck was that name not taken?!
I would suggest anyone interested in ffxiv make an account now at the moment some of the worlds are full when Endwalker comes rolling around i feel like even with the new servers for more people they might be full too..
I ran past a "Floor Inspector" on behemoth last night in Gridania inn. He must have got lost on his way to limsa
loved seeing you get into ffxiv Preach hope you enjoying it man leveling at the start is a bit rough..
I haven't watched preach in a long time. Is he talking to Path of Exile's Bex???
Mike got off so easy lol
What's funny, Floor Inspector could be a legitimate Roe name.
Very well played PG community. You have chosen wisely.