Better Glam Than Retail?? – FFXIV Mobile Early Game First Look


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21 thoughts on “Better Glam Than Retail?? – FFXIV Mobile Early Game First Look”

  1. Just started the video but the no surname thing is actually just how the chinese servers work. So they may still keep how it is on the regular version when they have the global release.

  2. This game is a slap in our face. FFXIV can be played on mobiles already, this game is too old, needs a revamp asap. I wish there would be a xiv on unreal engine 5 or something similar. We need better graphics, we need to change this same formula that we have been playing for 10 years or more. It's time SE thinks about making a new FF mmorpg. Even the events are lame comparated to other mmo… I'm not gonna resub for a while. After so many years I've canceled my sub, this game became something else completely different from what it was. and bro, fuck it, vieras can't wear hats yet….what a bs.

  3. Devs for retail have become so lazy and out of ideas for years at this point. I bet even the crafting system is fixed on mobile and it's not copy/paste macros and wait 2 hours of each craft.

  4. Mobile will add automatic things. Such as riding to quest automatically for you… I dislike this. Sure I understand for mobile, but I hope they will never add these functions to the PC version.

  5. This is why I unsubbed, the devs right now do not deserve my money for being lazy and backwards with the main 14 game. This mobile version is proof Yoshi P and co have lost the plot. Spaghetti Code is a tired excuse now!

  6. Giving me a lot of hope that some of these updated features make it into the PC version at some point. Really would like that glam preview menu, hopefully with a dye preview as well.


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