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Being a geek is awesome fun
anyone know what urianger pointing at his ankle mean? 23:38
20:55 who is this guy? anyone know who is the male viera or his social media account?
I’m making a cosplay of my Warrior of Light for EU Fanfest
this is inspiring!
27:17 Preach: So glad I dont have an eye tracker.
Me: Yeah you dont….. but you're self-snitching.
Some of these cosplays are gold, and some others awakening things in me I didn't knew…
Also, 27:05.
I know what you guys came here for…
19:22 That is some grade A dedication right there
Nophica's bounty
That thumbnail is a crime against booba :(((
Man the size accurate weapons were something. Sad that security took away the nophicas scythe tho
That beautiful Krile got really overshadowed by the Lopporits, such a good outfit! And that Gunbreaker with his folding gunblade? Holy moly!
Kudos to you Preach! I wasn't there on the stream but when I heard you start asking questions I had to pause and go back because I had this running while I was doing some crafting in game and didn't hear what was going on.
Glad to see you standing up for people against idiots like the guy in your chat who just wanted to point and laugh. Thank you for being so awesome!
The dudes gun at 34:04 is fucking incredible. What a ridiculously good mechanism he created not to mention the lights turning off as it collapses inward and slides back to a closed state. That honestly blew my mind.
Brandihild wins for me.
38:21 I wish I could exude that much confidence and sexuality
Damn brave though regardless of the cosplays I wouldn’t be able to go on stage like that
That girl at 46:00 reminds me of Troian Bellisario.
I was there in person, and seeing all the cosplayers and all the joy people have for the game was a highlight of the con for me. It was a wonderful feeling to give someone a compliment on their cosplay and watch them light up.
Also bear in mind it was over 100F in Vegas and most everything at the con required you to stand in lines for over an hour. People wearing those heavy ascian robes or platform heels (for example) despite all of that are stronger than I am and deserve all the recognition.
10 minutes in and Preach shows why he's a baller and why I love the Preach gaming community.
The one at 2:45 I like. They do a good job with this character since we aren't supposed to like them. And there were just too many Ryne and Gaia's at Fanfest. It became numbing.
Sad with the missed aesthetician and aura in the beginning
The song remixes they played during this cosplay fest were sooooo good
The guy in the yellow robe and mask you didn't recognize was Youtuber The Synodic Scribe, who participated cosplaying as the narrator he uses for his lore videos.
as someone who spends many an hour browsing Etsy, yes those weapons are up there, yes they are amazing, and yes their price tag will give you a heart attack
My wife is the femroe warrior at 36:25 (IRL too – she's about 6'3 in the boots there). The Asphodelos warrior hammer was actually transported in 5 parts. The two sides were attached with velcro which was superglued to the sides so it could be taken apart and fit in a suitcase. The frame and handle are PVC pipe with foam around it, so the handle had three PVC attachments so we could take it apart for the flight (it got its own suitcase that was checked for the flight) and then we reassembled it in the parking lot before walking in. If Preach wanted to see what it looked like disassembled and to talk about the logistics of transporting the largest weapon at FanFest, she'd be happy to do so!
Always a treat to see, whether they be personal WoLs or fan favorites~