POV You Are Tanking Duty Roulette: Leveling – Final Fantasy 14


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30 thoughts on “POV You Are Tanking Duty Roulette: Leveling – Final Fantasy 14”

  1. I like to make small pulls because i don't want to overwhelm healers and because i forget where the next group of mobs are 😛

    Edit: maybe I should've been a bit more specific XD. I understand I need to make multiple pulls when healers have the lvl and skill for it. But during duty roulette i (for some reason) always get the sprout groups or the arr and early hw stuff. I make sure I don't overwhelm my healer by checking on them first.

    Now, I have done the arr and hw many times that do i know how to handle them, the stormblood and shb I've probs done once or about 2 times. So I am not familiar in which parts I can do multiple pulls or if it only has one group to kill till the next part . So, my pulls are small there and of course I feel kinda silly because of it.

    But, I'm glad that there are alot of confident healers! And of course I'll do my best as a tank main to learn the sb and shb dungeons as soon as possible 👍

  2. Advice from someone who has been playing for years, trust your tank. They will pull big and thats ok, focus on healing them and let the DPS do their job. After the tank is at a good amount then you can AOE as well.

  3. It depends what dps you have. I can keep up if you stop moving from times to times so I can actually get a cure off but if we get black mage and an another turret kind of DPS this is doomed to fail. However if we get mobile DPS class we can make it work.


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