#ARealmReborn #FinalFantasyXIV #FF14
Welcome to the channel and welcome to Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn. To me, this is one of the best JRPGs that we have had in a long time. This isn’t even considering that it is a MMO. The story is rich, the characters are deep, and the class/job selection is beyond wonderful. Come with me on this long journey as we explore Eorzea, a land of conflict a beauty!
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Tuesday: 5:40pm MTN
Saturday: 10:00am MTN
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I know nothing about this game so I don't mind seeing everything.
So about targeting – you can change that in the character configuration -> control settings -> "target" tab and then you can choose between ignore depth and cone. It's on ignore depth by default.
I don't know how long it's been since you've played last but they've since adjusted quests (and cut out a lot of main story ones) as well as exp gains from them so you essentially don't need to bother with FATEs for leveling anymore or with any amount of side quests. Main story and class/job quests are more than enough to get you leveled up – hunting log is also worthwhile. I've actually managed to level two jobs all the way to 80 by alternating between them only by doing MSQ & daily duties. The side quests that unlock stuff are now blue and have a plus icon on them. The regular sidequests can give you equipment but you'll be leveling so fast anyway that they're not really worthwhile.
In a previous vid, you asked about the push up emote. That exists in game but you'll need to unlock it (much later).
Inns right now are mostly to access stuff like the glamour dresser (which you can't put into houses for some reason), the aesthetician, the book that lets you replay scenes, etc.
As no-one else has answered your brew related question yet, I suppose that I'll be the first. Yorkshire Tea, white with two sugars is the way ahead.