"What An Amazing Achievement!" – Watching NoClip FFXIV Documentary!

Like every sprout, I decided to watch Noclip FFXIV documentary because I really wanted to learn more about the developers and what fuelled their passion into making such an incredible game.

Noclip 1: https://youtu.be/Xs0yQKI7Yw4?si=RMGvq3wLGuBU7Th0
Noclip 2: https://youtu.be/aoOI5R-6u8k?si=-b1dkPlLdC6nVNRa
Noclip 3: https://youtu.be/ONT6fxiu9cw?si=yyQfDDKrNAVjpvwd


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20 thoughts on “"What An Amazing Achievement!" – Watching NoClip FFXIV Documentary!”

  1. I love this story, it's fantastic! They couldn't have done it any better. When I started playing ARR, I had no idea about 1.0. Hearing about it and how it played into the story I knew was so awesome. The whole story is so Japanese, I love that.

  2. YoshiP isn't praised for saving FF14 because he's some kind of gigabrain overzealous designer but because he knows how to keep a project on-time and on-budget by not biting off more than they can chew. The same still can't be said for the rest of Square Enix…

  3. Anyone remember Everquest Online Adventures on ps2? I remember that being the first North American MMORPG to release on the ps2 back in 2003. I started with that before jumping to FFXI when it released on PS2 the following year in North America.

  4. It's funny you mention about how if something like this had happened in the west We saw it happen in the west, They where supposed to rebuild Anthem and fix it with a 2.0 and they ended up burying the game and like you said took their investment elsewhere

  5. With regards to the addon debate, I feel it's always important to keep in mind that FFXIV has to support console players, and any extra software that would give PC players a competitive advantage would be unfair.

  6. I joined this game in 2019 coming over from the FF side of things and having never played an MMORPG before. What finally lured me in was the Omega Home Assistant April Fools' joke they did. Fast forward to my next paycheck at the end of that month, and I went all in. The Free Trial was far less generous at the time, so I did not bother with it.

    I wanted to know more about this game I bought, so I stumbled upon this 3-part documentary and when I finished it I knew I had made the right choice. It is no exaggeration when people say that they knew nothing about what this game and its developers and players all went through as I was once one of those people.

    I'm glad I got to experience all of the ups and downs of the entire main story and nearly all of the major side content (except for Eureka and some of Bozja) from A Realm Reborn to current content in Endwalker. And also for being able to do it all at my own pace, because I like to take my sweet time. I probably spent more time in ARR than is probably recommended, and I did it again on my new alt which I made specifically to sample the revamped ARR content firsthand.

  7. Its no surprise this noclip documentary gets circled around and many ppls have probably watched it several times.

    This documentary serves as a lesson and also an inspiration, on what game developers should and shouldn't do. And also the irony – that FFXIV actually looked to WoW for ideas and now ends up doing better than WoW, with WoW devs making the same mistakes that the old FFXIV made – never gets old and serves as a living proof of what makes or breaks a popular mmo

  8. The reason 1.0 was so bad and you couldn't even identify it as a ff main line game was because the old lead was the lead for ff11 and he did not want to make another ff mmo cause he thought ff11 was perfect so he was doing his best to make sure that 1.0 was bad and ppl would still play ff11.

  9. For that guy whom was asking about the possibility of FF14 fixing the netcode to make it snappy, I would daresay the chances are extremely low and close to zero. As of now most of the bosses fights, including the ultimates, mechanics are designed with that netcode delay in mind. For them to turn the dial back up would mean FF14 needs to undergo another ARR treatment, remaking the MMO all over again.

    But I'm sure Square Enix won't rule out the possibility for the next FF MMO to incorporate such combat design in the future, just that it's certain that FF14 will not be the one to have it.

  10. I played so much mmorpgs for over 20 years Final Fantasy XIV Online has truly been a special gem compared to other games with predatory business practices.

    Yeah during Endwalker they had to stop selling the game until they could get their hands on more servers just like the A Realm Reborn launch. Although Endwalker it was more due to them not being to get servers in time due to delays because of the pandemic.

  11. So this is a weird.. perspective maybe? But like I've mainly only played XIV. I've touched Runescape in the past and played WoW at a friend's house when I was much younger, but have very minimal experience. In any case, I went and watched some more recent (recent being on Dragonflight's release window area) and watched some people like play through dungeons and explore the overworld stuff. I got a good enough grasp of like… some of the ui but then in other aspects, I was completely lost and confused.

    So like, when you were talking about how you could always see what was happening with the boss and its animations, I was personally somewhat bemused cause I had a lot of trouble trying to read and understand what the bosses or enemies were doing at any given time in terms of either any tells or telegraphs. Course, personally, I'm absolutely chalking this up to me being significantly more familiar with XIV and being almost completely unfamiliar with WoW comparatively. Like I could sure see where the bosses were and I could recognize some repeating spells and attacks that they were dropping, but I very rarely actually could see any telegraphs for what led to their attacks ahead of time.

  12. Just gonna put this here again: stuff like 10-2 and 13-2, while having Numbers in their Name, are also considered non-numbered Titles because they are Spin-Offs of their respective Numbered (and thus Mainline) Title. Every Numbered Final Fantasy Title has its own World with certain things that are common within the franchise there, but maybe in a different Context, aswell as its own Land, Nations, Characters, etc. 10-2 and 13-2 simply continue 10 and 13 respectively

  13. I was in the beta, I told everyone to stay far far away from this game during 1.0. I came back in ARR though and it was worthwhile. At the time I used to bounce back and forth between ARR and wow, but Ive since dropped wow. Came back for a short time each expansion, been dissapointed and glad ive made the mmo choice to move on.

  14. Omfg that shot of the Great Gobbue Wall frustrates me so much. I was there! I swear, I was standing to the left of the guy who's name is cut off when the camera pans to the right. He was from my linkshell and neither of us had gotten our mounts…

  15. My first MMO was Everquest. First played it on PC then, also, played it on the PS2 when i was able to get the INternet Adapter. From then, I tried FFXI when my brother’s friend had recommended the both of us to try it. I played FFXI on PS2 then moved over to Xbox 360. I, actually, played FFXIV on day one. Bought myself an Alienware for FFXIV specifically. To be honest, I thought Alienware screwed me over as FFXIV game experience was SO BAD. I quit about 2 months later. Retuned to FFXI until Warhammer: Age of Reckoning… a failed MMO hyped to be a WoW killer. That MMO had potential but it lacked stability and class balancing. Eventually, I returned to FFXIV (on a new account) when a streamer I subscribed to started playing the game. Since I had such a bad experience to the original FFXIV, I completely ignored the changes that Yoshi P and his team was able to accomplish. Safe to say, I’m hooked to FFXIV. It’s the game i wanted the original to be.


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