Playing FFXIV for the first time! | Episode 34

This was the first time I ever visited a Library! Also the last.


Song used in outro:
♪ possessive | prod. by lofilow

#ffxiv #finalfantasy #mmorpg


32 thoughts on “Playing FFXIV for the first time! | Episode 34”

  1. I am fetching my water. Also, I am so glad the world and new maps make you so excited! I am also happy you are doing side quests, its always a good idea to do the quests in areas you want to explore a little more because they're interesting. You make me want to try black mage on main, btw! Also, the frog was tank! That is epic!

  2. Welcome to Idyllshire uplander Hyura! (home of many secrets…)
    It's understandable to be a bit confused, the town area used to be abandonned when Heavensward got released, and after every patch it got rebuilt a little, until everything was as it is now :D. You can exchange Tomestones of Poetics there to get the best armors of the expansion, and unlock many little things after you've completed the main story.
    I'm glad you're still enjoying the areas, music and everything! And good job on the black mage! I wonder what you will try next!

  3. Just wanna say that EVERY TIME you complain about doing something you don't want to do, or not being recognised for what you have done…

    Well… Are you tired of being so nice?
    Don't you just wanna go apeshit?

    Dark Knight is just sitting there, waiting for you…

    (But seriously, The DRK Storyline DIRECTLY CONFRONTS this for the Warrior of Light… And for you, The player.

    Yes I know, BLM for the win, Take a look after the MSQ 😉 Oh, and ABSOLUTELY read your quest logs when you do, both before and after each quest in that job's questline. trust me on this one.)

  4. Ok! I feel safe revealing it now, I THINK the old lady revealed it at this point.

    Y'shtola has been rendered completely blind due to her time in the lifestream, to compensate for that, she is constantly using a forbidden spell of some kind to 'see', though it's not perfect.

  5. 2:07 — Congratulations, join the club ^^ We have cookies.

    The foreshadowing in those words… "Imma retire" XD

    3:14 — The music in general depends on night and day cycle, yes. Each city, each zone has their own music depending on what time it is ingame.

    3:22 — You can actually sneak past enemies here. You can pass them from behind and they wont see you – since you're behind them. Do the same in front of them and, well, yeah, they'll see you. This is very useful in some areas of the game and in solo missions you can skip a considerate amount of mobs that way (but only in some – its worth doing it whenever you can, there WILL be one solo mission where this skill will be very, very useful ^.^ )

    Wait, the frog was the tank???


  6. The theme you said that was really nice in Matoya's Cave is called The Mushroomery which is a remix of Master Matoya's theme from Final Fantasy 1, and there is an obtainable orchestrion roll of it which you can purchase in Matoya's Cave if you wanna have it play in inn rooms and such.

  7. You say what the poroggo got to you… Honestly, there is a small side quest in Eastern Thanalan that is like a hidden memento to the that one specific event in 1.0 that the players made it happen. That side quest made me go "This is stupid. I can't be crying actual tears over a fictional [redacted] monster." If you're wondering, it's "The Voyage of the Goobbue"
    Also, give it time, you will learn gobbiespeak so well, your uplander braincase won't need a speakbook and it will sounds super natural… until you meet that gobbie…that speaks correct Eorzean.

  8. You're verbalizing so well how a lot of us feel about watching you play ffxiv. It's so refreshing to see these little details as if it was our first time again. Makes me feel like a sprout again 😊 Very comfy

  9. I wish I could subscribe more than once. I can't understand why you haven't reached 10k yet.
    Welp, time to keep bothering my friends with your videos.
    The Day and Night soundtracks are different in every area, by the way ! Even cities.
    Take care !

  10. tbh the intro idea was kinda cool, like soothing you into the video. The comedical version of this also made it a good one tho xD

    Got to stop apologizing for taking in the scenery and music and all that stuff because trust us, we love nothing more than to see the sprout enjoy the heck out of this magical world to it's finest detail!

  11. Fun fact about Idyllshire: Back at the start of Heavensward it was mostly ruined buildings and tents. Each patch repaired and built new structures to represent the building up of the town by its new residents. Some people did youtube videos documenting the growth.

    The same happened in Mor Dhona back in ARR; it started as an outpost of sorts, but over time as Rowena's investments and the doman refugees came in it was built up.

  12. Wait a second… I recognize those gloves… /gasp! Hyura in PvP!? I hope you enjoy it (and don't get TOO tilted!) xD

    Gobbiebooms are the BEST booms!

    "The moment I put down my ley lines… everything just goes to shit." followed shortly by "I'm just going to stand in there, eff that." is the peak Black Mage experience. You have learned well, young Grasshopper.

    As always, thank you for sharing your adventures!

  13. All the open areas and major cities have night songs and day songs! Sometimes it's nice to just sit and listen.

    I did all of the side quests as I did the main story, and though I'm definitely a bit weird for doing so and it takes a lot longer, I found some really fun stories, lore, and sometimes just silly jokes along the way with them. Feel free to do whatever side quests you feel drawn to (but certainly don't feel like you have to do all of them haha)

    The satisfaction of pulling off an actual black mage rotation is so good. It's really addictive.


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