PEAK Boss Design | FFXIV Endwalker

Who is Barbariccia and why is her extreme so balls.

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29 thoughts on “PEAK Boss Design | FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. Watching you guys play through the 6.x patch content, and then again with the Extremes just reminded me how much I enjoyed doing it all myself. The dungeons were solid – it's where they were noticeably ramping up the difficulty, which has carried through into Dawntrail, and I love it. But the trials? Oh jeez, the trials are just pure top shelf greatness. Barbariccia's fast pace madness, the "stop, look, think" rotation mechanics in Rubicante, oh they're just so good.

  2. 14:55 It depends on how much is new with a fight of course, but since they like doing things we've done in other fights and you can just reuse those skills from there, I'd say the average group takes between 1-3. With sometimes more depending on skill and such.

  3. You probably don't remember it because it was during a normal raid, which you did maybe once and may or may not have understood and then moved on. However, the "blue marker" is also found during the Ifrit/Garuda fight in the Eden Raid series.

  4. Savages can be done blind, imo thats why the worlds first race has such pull to it. Its great watching teams piece together the intricate puzzles. Honestly if you guys want to try a blind savage, legitimately I think P1 (Ericthonios…or however you spell it) is a good starting point. Its one of the easier savages, but still has some interesting mechanics in it.

    Also, I cant wait for you guys to get to Dawntrail's EX fights. Obviously wont spoil anyone but I think EX2 is my favorite EX in the game right now. A lot of fun movement and mechanics in that fight.

  5. Standard markers are clock spot markers for the 8 cardinals/intercardinals.

    Usually colorcoded for pairs, with standard clockspots being from north clockwise: MT, R2, H2, M2, OT, M1, H1, R1. This automatically gives you a clock spot, pair and light party just by calling your role spot.

    These are usually then tuned for the fight, like barbariccia the intercardinals are positioned so they work as pairing spots.

  6. This was my fave EX until DT EX2 literally perfect fights, both of them, imo. If I was thinking subjectively I'd def give Barbs the edge because she has a cute AF laugh so reset was always a joy, but fightwise def have to give DT EX2 the edge, can't wait until y'all get to that one.

  7. A feels like its been a while since we got a vid like this. Glad you had a good time with barb ex. I worry for Kyle's well being with that ending, but that world's last Hydaelyn clear was really good to watch too!

  8. I took shall make a post about it being called Enumeration, also to be "that guy" that points out that you have seen i before, in Eden's Verse: Furor (E6N), when you fight Garuda and Ifrit. I will also point out, that this one required two people, but there are other variations that can go higher and require more people. Perhaps this comment will be a worthy sacrifice to "The Algo."

  9. its so interesting hearing you guy's experience with the EXs as people who havent really done savages
    since a lot of EXs have mechanics that were exclusive to savages that eventually trickle their way down, so its fun to hear how you guys tackle them!

  10. Almost never are mechanics guaranteed to go on two tanks. I can't think of any off the top of my head. They're generally guaranteed to go on the first and second highest on the aggro table, which is why it's important to make sure as an off-tank that you have the #2 spot. If you're not running tank stance, some poor dps is taking a tank buster at some point.


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