This is a guide for the newest Final Fantasy 14 Extreme Trial introduced in patch 6.3: Mount Ordeals (Extreme), also known as Rubicante Extreme. Overall, this is a pretty easy Extreme Trial with amazing music and nice aesthetics.
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#Xeno #FFXIV #endwalker
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Background music by Sirius Beat
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I think it’s easier than the storm crown
How do you feel about solo tanking this fight?
You can uptime the flare and still dodge into the right spot
"Nothing in this fight does damage" FF is slowly becoming Lost Ark, The concept of"HEALER" that we know will die in a few years, healers and Tankers will become SUPPORT (people are calling T/H Support already). Healers will get more damage skills and DPS and Tankers will get more Sustain. This is what we'll get on 7.0.
The last panel phase (that you can skip with decent dps) is two randomly picked from the previous panel phases. So you just gotta recognize which one it is and then execute it
You know I was always thinking "look for the M" but now you've ruined it forever and I won't be able to stop thinking of it as cat ears. Can confirm all you need to do is look for whichever cat ear is being pushed up by the arrows, then just go and stand on the other cat ear (in its CURRENT position, not where it will move to). Works every single time.
I used the pf cheat sheet…
If you pay attention, just about every Savage/EX boss starts with a raid aoe that doesn’t do enough damage to kill you. This is there to make sure healers feel important and loved.
miau indeed
FF14 fights are such eye aids, always had a hard time with them.
Wait is mr strummer do this off stream? Damn thats new for me at least. Its a good guide thank you mr.strummer
It sucks watching this on Mobile without adblock. I got 15+ ads throughout.
"I got hit cause I'm bad"
Where did you get that photo Susge
This fight on tank is a joke LOL you can legit fail every panel mechanic and the flare/spread/stack and still clear and never die
Honestly if you mit it you can have flares step in as well as long as they stay corners because once again….this fight does no damage.
If you get to the 4th panel phase, ordeals 7 and 8 have always been the same as 3 and 4, so they are really easy. I have not ever seen them be any other patterns.
fyi for casters, the radial Flagration (cone spreads) can interrupt casts for whatever reason. I hope that is a bug that gets fixed but it can get so annoying when farming this for longer times
i can't unsee the cat ears! hahaha
Im sitting on 80 totems and nearly every "farm" party is full of people who don't know panels, immolation, or limit cut. They keep throwing out fights were dead weight can just blindly follow others and this is the result.
LimitCut mechanic is the same as hegemone, but you need to take the tether after your number, we always played it even/odd there so this was pretty much the same.
Lmfaooo is this a vuln stack speedrun guide?