Pay to Win in FFXIV vs WoW: Exposing the Insidious WoW Token

So much in World of Warcraft is designed toward nudging you into purchasing WoW tokens. This video highlights and contrasts the differences between the FFXIV and WoW developers on their stances regarding “pay to win” and RMTs in game. It also focuses on exposing the predatory nature of the WoW token and how it influences game and system design.

#warcraft #ffxiv #paytowin #shadowlands #endwalker #shadowbringers #blizzard #blizzardentertainment #rmt #squareenix #wow #finalfantasy

Check out the FFXIV fan music in this video:
WolfWolfWolf Music:
DragonstarDT Music:


36 thoughts on “Pay to Win in FFXIV vs WoW: Exposing the Insidious WoW Token”

  1. As a long time wow-player i was really surprised to see how much is cost to re-customize your char. like 7 € and in wow 25€. Sure a shop with RL money stuff is debattable in a mmorpg with expansions, monthly subcription and stuff like that but in my honest opinion, not even onces have i thought "damn, the shop has a so much better option than anything i can get ingame without spending more money" in regard of ff. U can get a 4-seat mount (sure need an event but hey, free), u get awesome glamour from all kind of vendors and even some rare dyes which are most of the time from the shop are obtainable from ingame actions and the best part for me, most of the outfits which are purchasable from the shop are from old events and dont cost a fortune. If u REALLY want a spooky ghost costume, its just 3€ and not 25. Again, a RL-Money shop in a game like this feels still weird but i think SE did one of the best forms of a RLM shop i ever seen in a online game :3

    Overall good video mate, hope u continue the good work ^^ (and sorry for the probably very bad english xD not a native speaker)

  2. Good job, well produced, I quit WoW at the end of Wotlk, and then went back a few years ago, was really surprised that they'd added the WoW token, and decided to quit again after getting to end game once I realised that I'd either have to no life it to make enough gold to raid or buy WoW tokens 😛

  3. Ok this is really good content, I like the meme stuff But this being your first try at a completely serious and structured content, I think you nailed it 👍
    I hope this video get as enough coverage that it deserves

  4. huge quality, this video needs to explode: side note, i quit a year ago because i couldn't keep up with economy of raiding and leggos without putting hours of "overtime" into game or buying tokens.

  5. It's worth mentioning that Brutosaur is still available via Black Market AH by a random chance that it will apprear there on a reset, effectively raising it's price (for the most time) to gold cap, given by how Black Market stuff is given to the highest bidder

  6. It's definitely a tough topic to take on since the variety of opinions can vary heavily. However, I've personally felt like the store for FF doesn't feel like they are trying to steal my wallet. Nor are they shoving their store in my face when I log into the game with any pop ups or shiny icons for the store. Does it hurt a bit when I want to race change? Kinda sorta but the price doesn't feel like they are trying to gouge me out of my money. Overall, it's a good video on something of a thorny topic. Hopefully, the comments can stay civil and provide a nice area for the exchange of ideas on the topic at hand.

  7. I used to play in wow long ago
    when the auction house prices were reasonable for any casual player

    but after the introduction of wow tokens
    the prices kept rising non stop

    now I dare anyone to play wow properly without paying extra IRL money

    this frustrates me a lot

    they make the game secretly ( pay to win )

  8. With Vids like this i see your chanel skyrocketing in no time. It was really good. I remember when you just had 45 subs…like 3 weeks ago? Guess you doing something right 😀

  9. The FFXIV store mostly offers cosmetic items that were exclusive in an in-game event and are no longer obtainable, or from a seasonal event that returns every year.
    Nothing that provides an in-game advantage (with minor exceptions that no one cares about)

  10. Its so good to see that the ff14 devs are actually enforceing their own rules so that the game doesn’t deteriorate. If I still had the sub for wow I could log in this very moment and count at least 30 groups selling runs in the group finder even tho its ”against their policy”.

    Btw this was very well made plus ur voice sounds rlly nice. <3

  11. WoW's a mess of microtransactions where you have to pay to get the game, play the game, be able to do stuff in the game… the only "Good" stuff (And i use that term very loosely) is the endgame content, with everything midway being forgotten, and they want you to pay more (What is it, $60? jfc) to boost to skip all of the expansion's content, just to get to the end of it. Even Blizz doesnt want you to play Shadowlands' story.
    i've never felt the desire to buy a boost in FF, let alone the *requirement*; like WoW has. Oh sorry, we nerfed your main's job into the dirt because we wanted to. Your raid team doesnt want you anymore? Well that'll be $60+ to get a different character to be able to play with them. For now. 'til we nerf that too.
    "Dear payers, I mean players". Cos that's all they are, walking wallets.

    So glad I left for Eorzea <3

  12. This video certainly had a more serious tone – which fits the topic. The arguments against the Token are widely known, and even though the pros are there, too, they pale compared to the damage they do to the games environment, economy wise and in player behavior. A game, any game, is the ultimate equalising play ground: the rules apply to everyone and if you want to be better you have to invest time. You wanna be world famous chess player? Be prepared to play chess at least 10 hours a day every day and then we can talk. Put real money into this equation and its no fair game anymore, to stick to the chess equation: it would be as if you could buy an additional Queen, or four Towers – hardly fair, right? And then one day you see someone with the Elemental mount from Jaina Mythic in BfA: how big are the odds that person "earned" that mount, or bought a carry? And if you earned such an item yourself, how demeaning would it be to see someone who just bought it run around with it, too? It deminishes your accomplishment. All the hard work you did to figuere out the fights and everything… What do those things mean if you can just buy them? What is a game if its not fair for everyone? Would it still be a game? Or just an overprized bragging plattform like Instagram or Facebook?

  13. Every shop in a game that you pay monthly for it and for every new expansion is bad for the game.

    Why you ask, well there are many reasons one of it is because the devs split their work on the game: for things you can get by playing it and things you just pay for. Sometimes they will put something in the shop that is rly cool and you can't get it in the game by playing it. And many ppl will just buy it —> more money from the game shop, that means more devs working on the shops items. And they will put quality of life improvements in the shops, and ppl will buy them case they are rly good and more devs will start working for shops ingame quality of life improvements case they make ez money.

    Here is the sad part as a game devs why will you put something in the game for "free" when you can put it in the game shop and make more money, you will make the change any way. The pressure on the devs team to put more items in the shop will always be there and it will grow as time flies. And sometimes devs team will put a bad system that you can skip whit ingame shop items(in ff14 is the items management system and more retainers, and the speed mount bike, i am so happy that is "just" that ).

    SE is just a company and company wants more money and this shop is ez money.

    As buyers/players we have the power to "control" them by buying or not the stuff they put on sale. Yoshi-P will not be always there for us in the future. Don't forget to say NO when something like this happened and let's hope they will listen.

    But the power of the greed is too much if you ask me, and some games will fall (current WoW) and other rise up (current FF14 ) and in the future this will repeat. The thing is that YOU have the power to say NO and help the game you love to live a healthy life (if the devs listen ofc) . If you look in the past for WoW you will see the point of "no return" that we as a player base miss, sad but true case we buy the products at the end and by doing this we tell them what we want.

    Please don't make the same mistake for current and new games. Don't say “we happy” when they release a buggy game, don't say "cool" when the put a new thing in the shop and not in the game for “free” This SUCK and don't help but congrats Clap.

    Sorry for the rant I know it is not so simple but man it is so sad. I am just scared for the future of the game I like , that's all.

  14. The biggest difference between FF14 and WoW at current regarding cash shop is that Yoshi himself is a hardcore player who knows that P2W is bad "No Pay to Win".
    As for WoW Devs, I believe that they are being instructed from the greedy top people to make the game systems such that buying cash items or boosts will increase convinience/player power.
    I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.

  15. I never knew boosting counts as pay to win, coming from Asian games i always thought cash shop items that gives stat boosts counts as pay to win… especially some FPS games where you rent guns that is usually more powerful than default weapons
    I guess MMOs are different

  16. There's a story running around that when they first put the cash shop into existence, the sales from everything in the shop (specifically the Marriage sales) raised enough funds to give Europe its own datacenter. The concession between SE and Yoshida was, he wanted free reign but in exchange there would be a shop. However being as crafty as he is, he has final say on what can be in the shop. Pretty much the head of the SE cash shop is called the irl Rowena (due to the a NPC who tends to exploit our WoL for artifacts [tombstones] and has a financial stake in Geralt's(sp) smiting business.)

    Pretty much every dollar spent by those Fantasia addicts has pretty much increased the plots of land for the community. The real issue is the engine itself is old and they are starting to hit the limits. Here's hoping come 7.0 a engine revamp and with new player subs SE gives Yoshida a team that can work on overhauling the engine.

  17. One of the things I like best about the FF cash shop is that they sell items from old events, and they sell them very cheaply. It really punches FOMO in the gut when you know that the event items will be available to buy for a small amount next time the event rolls around.

  18. The mog station cannot be access in-game, so it's not there teasing you to buy anything.
    I do show my support to the FFXIV developers by buying mounts, and with my 7 extra retainers that account for almost two subscriptions; but this game is so welcoming and entertaining I gladly support the team.

  19. I think Blizzard’s cash shop can be a good thing if it’s used in a right way like it being a user based area where fans of wow can design their own outfits/mounts/pets/cosmetic choices and the devs will then turned into real in game items to sold to players for cash with the profits going into a fund/scholarship for said community. But like all Blizzard’s endeavours, they’re all motivated by greed. Sad.

  20. I was very surprised with FFXIV shop, firstly because it is only available outside the game, there is no flashy button for the shop in your UI. Secondly it has all the stuff priced in euros/dollars or whatever your currency, they do not resort to some points or coins system where you always need to spend more than you need to get the item you want and also it is way easier to see the real worth of an item. I wish there was no story boosts etc in the shop but in the end I guess its not too bad. The last mmo I played before FFXIV was ESO and the shop is very intrusive and also there is always loot boxes and stuff to tempt you, it does not have pay-to-win items but it is very predatory for people who might be addicted to gambling with loot boxes.

  21. What yoshi-p said wasn't wrong btw. All those collabs, Monster hunter, GARO, dragon quest, FF15 and etc isn't free behind the scenes and they didn't charge us for this. Instead they gave us for free to enjoy. So, yes the optional items in FF14 is indeed funding some part of it. There are many people out there who goes OMGERD STORE ITEMZZ AGAINZZ, little did they know that those items are funding free content for everyone.


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