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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]
I'm in the fortunate position right now that there's so much I have left to do in the game that I want to do to keep me busy through the content breaks so far so the cycle hasn't effected me too much. I did slow down significantly on completing things to draw it out but I do wonder how i'd one day handle having nothing i want to do in the game. Heck maybe i'll get lucky and by the time i get to that point the cycle will change.
What content does wow have nowadays? The 8 horrificly balanced dungeons, a raid that has bosses that just fall over or are just outright frustrating. I dont think anyone touches delves unless they just dinged a new alt and need some gear to get on the treadmill. Class balance is all over the place, whatever content wow is churning out its not enjoyable. This is coming from someone who came back for TWW excited, just to be let down day after day until recently when I just gave up. The anniversary event wasnt there to celebrate 20 years of wow, its there to keep you grinding and making their metrics looks good. Compared to Legion its not even half the content, not gonna talk about skipping a raid tier just to recycle the old raifs st the end of the expansion.
I agree that ff14 needs to give me more to do. Having a job, social life and other games to play its not bad. I would like more everyday content that is not braindead like roulettes, because sometimes i just wanna play 14, but my choices are farm the same extremes or go do crystal tower for the 10th time.
Yes, ff14 needs more daily content, maybe the bozja like feature shouldve come in 7.1 and expanded kn every patch. But do I want fomo – no, it inherently puts a stress factor into the game. I want a reason to log in and feel satisfied with my progress, knowing that next time i log in, i can continue from where i left off. I dont wanna log in because i feel like i need to. In addition, i would like to receive really good content that has been tested, rather than a heap of content, that doesnt work until 48 hours after release, because Microsoft forgot to include the QA team's salary in its budget and instead of changing the budget, they fired them…
just adding more steps to the relic. Anima weapons started very early. Earlier than any other expansion and had more stages as well. And Zodiac weapons started even earlier, in 2.0
As someone who has played since 2.0 (1.0 even), for me the game wasn't so solved. From the job and battle design throwing way stranger things regularly, the reduced impact of deleveling during roulettes (only 50 levels and jobs were just better designed from 1-50 than they are 1-100 now), and unique dungeons and the relic system – there was just plenty to get on with. The game also just demanded better play, so even a routine dungeon was spicy more often than not.
These days everything has been boiled down to the optimal. It's a very gamer thing to do but SE don't help by copy+pasting each expansion so there's just no vibrancy left to reach for. Dungeons are literally filler at best, FATEs as you say are the same as 2.0, crafting is DoA outside of food, housing items, and the 1 week savage patch. We're left splitting the population off onto all this side content that's about the only engaging thing left.
The only issue i can see is if they sped up/pushed up the release cycle, we will get more rushed content that feels incomplete, and has alot more bugs/issues. And then people will whine and complain about content being rushed and they should take more time to polish it. They cannot win.
I’m sorry but I don’t care who it is watching what content- reacting to another creators reactions is LAME. Period lol. Like omg.
Genuinely I dont care what content it is. That’s just so derivative to me. I have little patience when content is literally looking at content then talking about the content.
A bad MSQ + nothing to do afterwards is really concerning. This is the first time I feel like I have wasted my money on FFXIV. I really want to play the game more and hope they dramatically improve things in the future.
theres just nothing to do ingame for ppl that only do svg raids like me i wait 1 week to reclear and hope i can help occasional clear groups thats it ill defo unsub if the next patch won't keep me engaged
I love FFXIV but I would also love a reason to stay subbed other then keeping my personal house! Really found it hard to stay engaged with Endwalker and now Dawntrail. The exact same tomestone grind every single expansion over and over and over.
The sever lack of voice acting in DT crushed all hope that SE isn’t milking us dry and kill ffxiv in the process 😢
happy often talks about things he knows nothing about, like gathering and crafting
When a streamer complains about lack of content when they made it their jobs to stream 14 content and they run out of it because they have been streaming it for 6 years every single day for 6+ hours a day. I get it, it's not my job and I running out of things to do but that is 10 years in the making for me playing way too many hours. I want more things to do, but streamers really need to take a backseat on this, the vast majority of players arent really running out of things to do… but we need a grindy thing to sink hours in now
18:00 jobs were simply more fun. I dont mind doing easy content if the gameplay is fun, now all the "fun" is in the mechanics of savage/ultimates because jobs play themselves
Why pay the 15 bucks? Housing. Many players feel locked into subs because of housing destruction. YoshiP says go play other games, but retains probably 95 percent of sub cash purely because of housing destroy policy.
Hey zepla, are you considering talking about this issue in your main channel video in the future? Yoshi-P seems to watch your stuff there, not sure about here.
P.S, ARR had 3 dungeons per patch and some of them were actually pretty difficult (pharos sirius etc), fates, relic, etc. HW actually had similar issue people are bringing up now, 3.1 was so empty (diadem required you to be in fc with airship), gordias normal was braindead, and gordias savage was overkill, it damn nearly killed the game a second time because it didnt have the goodwill they've since gotten with shb msq and wow exodus.
Poking the hornets nest or not, the blind loyalty is baffling at this point. Endwalker patch content was stale and boring and they continued the same way in DT. The reality is that they are not earning my sub right now. I can't find any reason to play and I have tried. It's an MMO with a monthly subscription, earn that monthly subscription by at least making sure we actually have something to do. Relic grind starts in 7.2? What a joke. It should start in 7.0.5 at the latest. If I didn't have a house in the game I would have unsubbed long ago and come back for the end of the expansion, maybe they have produced enough content to keep me busy for a month at that point. I have leveled every single job to 100 and cleared savage, and for those thinking I just have too much time on my hands… I have a full time job and a family and it's still not enough content to keep me busy. The whole "go play other games" schtick is getting old. Stop charging a monthly fee then if you can't supply the players with interesting content to consume. For those thinking I should quit, I would tbh if it wasn't for my significant others undying love for this game.
I just got burned out from doing eureka in ff14 otherwise I'm liking ff14
They CAN'T really do much innovation at this point because they've painted themselves into a box that all content must be completable in 20 minute chunks, and nothing can run longer than that. That's why everything is so formulaic and predicable because they helps them more easily balance things to keep to this limit of making sure everything is doable in 20 minutes. That's why it's 2 packs-boss-2packs-boss every dungeon because they KNOW that formula takes 20 minutes for the average group pf players. That's why Chaotic alliance raids is only the boss because otherwise it would surpass 20 minutes, and that just can't be allowed.
One big thing to remember about Heavensward is a lot of people quit the game and unsubbed during that time. The raiding scene was nearly dead and most content wasn't great. The diadem was an exploration zone that during that expansion was removed and re-released multiple times. Crafting was broken because the scrip system was entirely random and high level crafting heavily relied on favors. Not to mention, a lot of crafting existing to support raiding but because of the trouble with raiding it too was nearly dead. Heavenwards, though remembered fondly today, was utterly terrible at the time because there was literally no content outside of relics, open world content, and roulettes. The whole "play something else" has been repeated since Arr but much of what happened since then I think is a direct response to it almost destroying the game.
I would love doing fates, I love world content but I cannot stand the UI, the fate model, the clunkiness, and also hunts has way too little everyday encounters that isn't just a hunt train (I think it's fine to have S rank etc for that but in general)
I think a handful on FFXIV content creators should form a "Creator Comvocation" to discuss this topic every so often in a roundtable fashion which effectively makes a podcast. I though this when Zepla brought up good counter points to MrHappy.
Since the die hard msq ppl finished dt and the wait for the new patch my fc literally became a walking dead thing. I actually woke up one day (as most active member) to find I was the leader of the fc after our leader stopped showing up. Nothing spells death of an FC more than someone like me waking up as the leader
ffxiv needs way more cool shit to grind/farm like glamour.
there is almost no cool shit you can grind, outside of eureka glam and alliance glam.
they need to put way more stuff like the eureka glam set in the game and pls, copy eureka again.. and make the zones EVEN BETTER AND MORE BEAUTIFUL
the only time this game felt like an MMO, when i did eureka..
I mean, Wow has like no content outside of endless MM+ grinding and Old mount farm on current expansion.
Endless grinding like farming 1500 chitines are not relevant content.
Same as FF, so
"But there's so much content you can do!" Yes, perhaps, but would I rather do that or play something that doesn't feel like a huge bollocking?
if you still think doing 24-man dungeons, fate farming, old trails, and begging people to use essences is a better experience for relics then ew relics. I still respectfully disagree.