The FFXIV Pax East Q&A was this week, and we dive into some of the questions Yoshi-P answered there. We also discuss the upcoming NA Data Center upgrade, and the upcoming Hatching-tide event!
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0:00 Intro
1:28 Welcome
4:11 RE: NA Data Center Upgrade
8:14 RE: Hatching-tide 2023
17:30 MogMail: Exploring Etheirys vs Shards
28:45 MogMail: Future Summons
40:15 MogMail: How Urianger speaks
45:20 MogMail: Newfound Adventure?
1:00:26 Pax East Q&A Discussion
1:35 Show Wrap-up
It'd be depressing seeing 11 also turned into a WoW clone. I don't think I'd ever like them just putting vanadiel in 14 just because it would just take so much away from the appeal I've found in XI (me and quite a few xiv players now). XIV just doesn't have the job system or world exploration that XI does and it just couldn't translate to 14, especially XI's horizontal progression.
"we released Tiamat and she's gonna tell them to calm down" yes, a first brood we released went to an island that has been inhabited by other dragons for several thousands of years and try to take control. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG
i guarantee you there's gonna be factions of dragons, some with Tiamat, some who blame her for the downfall of the first brood, some who hate the first brood to begin with, some who want nothing to do with the old times and want to take over the world.
7.0 is draconic politics time. we're gonna get fucking 30 minute C-SPAN grade speeches in draconic tongue and we're gonna like it.
Im going to be really pessimistic but i don't see us doing anything different. Endwalker proved to me that they are sticking to their schedule no matter what. We'll go to meracydia and probably the new world. Get 5 new big open and empty zones. One new raid series, two ultimates and a new alliance raid. Rinse repeat till square loses interest in 14 and makes 14-2 rebirth with funny monkey jpegs.
Lahabrea is named after a character from Ivalice lore- a Scion of Light called Lahabrea. Scions of Light have corresponding Espers- Lahabrea's is Mateus. The Esper Mateus is named after the villain from Final Fantasy II (although he only gets called Mateus in the Japanese only novellisation.) So there has always been a link between Lahabrea and Final Fantasy II's villain, Emporer Mateus of Palamecia.
So, when they announced that the Endwalker raids were going to be about Lahabrea and had the same name as Final Fantasy II's final dungeon… I'm genuinely surprised we've not seen much Final Fantasy II references in XIV. It's like all the stars aligned right here, and it somehow still didn't happen.
Maybe Meracydia will take a page from FFX. Whatever group currently holds power there could have a vested interest in maintaining the myth that the Meracydians deserved the war as some sort of divine punishment.