Patch 7.1 Job Changes! PICTO IS KING! [FFXIV 7.1]

FFXIV Patch 7.1 Job Changes lets break down and discuss the job changes coming with FFXIV’s patch 7.1 and honestly I can say that Pictomancer is still king there is no doubt about that in my mind.

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0:00 Patch 7.1 Job Changes
0:15 Paladin Changes
1:08 Warrior Changes
1:20 Dark Knight Changes
2:46 Gunbreaker Changes
4:29 Healer Changes
5:01 Esuna has no cast time
5:17 White Mage Changes
6:22 Scholar Changes
6:52 Astrologian Changes
7:02 Sage Changes
7:59 Dragoon Changes
8:46 Ninja Changes
9:19 Samurai Changes
9:42 Reaper Changes
10:34 Machinist Changes
11:16 Dancer Changes
12:02 Black MAge Changes
12:55 Summoner Changes
13:40 Red Mage Changes
14:03 Pictomancer Changes

Final Fantasy XIV


26 thoughts on “Patch 7.1 Job Changes! PICTO IS KING! [FFXIV 7.1]”

  1. 1.5 cast holy is insane
    Divine caress double radius good.
    LV66 missionary about time.
    500p Abyssal Drain is decent start to drk getting back its self sustain before ShB ruined it.

  2. They should have nerf Picto. For later content it's not an issue they're gonna tweak the numbers, but any older ultimate or people who enjoy min ilvl no echo old content are going to be even more a joke than it is right now because of all the buffs they added on other jobs. Dragoon new Nastrond was fun to play with, they decided to gut it for no reason, and let Picto in that state, what is going on in their mind ? FRU balancing in intern maybe idk

    On a positive note, WAR and PLD invul + GNB and DRK buffs are awesome ! NIN TCJ is finally an action where you can move. And PvP patch is a bless to read. I hope you're doing OK Cole, take care of yourself

  3. I'm forever a MCH main, and it hurts how it constantly just gets crumbs in these job changes. It's practically a selfish DPS and yet its damage is just terrible. Everytime I see people snicker at the job or groups outright ban it from their party, I just feel so bad 😛

  4. For the SMN changes regarding Ifrit, Titan, Garuda: it's not really a potency buff as the tooltip already stated 800 potency but the game calculated 750 so it's more of a incoherrence-fix that the actual potency now matches the tooltip

  5. Squire Enix: Picto is super far in the lead, and no one is playing any of the casters in end game content! what do?!

    also Square Enix: gives the other casters tiny little itty bitty buffs to potency and makes BLM circle phase confusing with unneeded second charge there, all better!

    seriously, this is a joke. the devs that do the balancing are so far out of touch with the actual problems the jobs have that its not funny. DRK has been a joke for all of DT, and it will still be as these changes barely scratch the surface. Picto is out right busted, and SE is too afraid to let any of the other casters come anywhere near it. which is hilarious since BLM used to be the poster child that SE always favored, now its left in the backseat with the other two. dont know what happened to DRG. It just got slapped for no reason. MCH still meh, and why flamethrower? unless trolling, no one uses it. It's a worthless ability that needs to be either made into a single swing that leaves a burn DoT like Bioblaster or just removed entirely already. sorry, Square Goobix missed big time with this one for most of what they changed. the only group eating good this patch is healers. what an utter disappointment.

  6. I find it kind of hillarious that the DRK changes, or at least most of them, are things players wanted for ages and that it took this long for them to happen.

    Dark Mind having physical mitigation on top of magical is amazing & gives DRK some much needed durability

    Abyssal Drain & Carve and Spit are significantly better. While I would have preferred Abyssal Drain's healing to stack with the amount of targets hit, for Carve to instead apply a Bleeding effect that heals you for a % of the damage done and for them to have separate cooldowns; I'm not gonna look at a gift horse in the mouth here as the changes give DRK more self-healing outright. Still nowhere nearly as much as the other Tanks, but its a good step forward

    Dark Missionary being unlockable at Lvl 66 is great for UCoB as DRK I think is the only Tank Job that, for some reason, didn't have a party wide defensive skill before Lvl 70. It granting a small patch of physical damage resistance is also VERY nice both in general to make it more usefull and, again, for UCoB.

  7. 4:08 small correction here – hypervelocity is burst strike's continuation attack. the gap closer is "trajectory"
    since they reduced the cartridge cost of double down by 1, youll be using burst strike more often, and thus continuation. my guess is the nerf was to rein in the ppm this change brought a bit

  8. I mean, Median picto to median black mage is a difference of 2.57 percent. If that's the difference between an enrage wipe or a clear then there are other issues to tackle. I always say play what you want, playing something you're more comfortable with will provide a far greater performance boost than forcing yourself into a meta-pick

  9. You know, I'm shocked they didn't buff Viper and Bard at first

    Then earlier today I went to check the numbers on DPS and realize why they avoided bard because a good bard on average can contribute more DPS to a party than Viper somehow, and makes me really wonder why they didn't buff Viper at all this patch

  10. The only real bonus with the double down change is it gives you more cartridge dumps or a bit of a break on your odd minute if you have to disengage from the boss. You still are getting the same number of abilities under your cooldowns.


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