Paladin will be SO GOOD with these changes! More job changes will happen in 6.3 but we heard that paladin is getting a rework and OOHHHH WOWWWW are the developers DELIVERING that to us! Let’s talk about how great Paladin is!
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0:00 Patch 6.3 Job Changes
0:20 Paladin Rework Objectives
1:51 Paladin Changes
OH HOLY KNIGHT! THIS IS GREAT! This video exported so fast my jaw hit my desk. OKAY TIME TO WORK ON THE NEXT VIDEO!
Black mage buffs and make summoner fun again
sigh Now that you said Utility Im crying… As a support off tank main I LOVE my Clemency… Along with my Cover. Divine Veil, Intervention… they better not be removing or changing them much unless its buffs… Personally hate Requiescat as a whole system… sighs
But if Goring Blade just does straight up more Damage instead of DoT, how does it compare Royal Authority then? Wasn't that the point in alternating them? Oh well, we'll see
Everything looks good but man why does SE hate DoTs so much? It's one of the best mechanics for me but they keep taking it away from every single job 🙁
Why bother to fix blackest night, or even talking about astro, when you can do bs with Paladin. Also stop putting things in the game just to delete them -.- Give me my smn dots back
At the moment, I don't like the changes, I love current PLD. All they are doing is dumming it down and turning it into GNB lite so that they can fit it into the stupid as fck 2 min. Meta
i like current paladin but ihate when they chnage a class becuase it help out raiders only like bro make a poll and ask ppl dont change class for a minority players aka raiders .
This whole 2 minute meta of theirs has really just, messed up jobs. First it was summoner becoming so braindead that I could read a Harry potter book in the time it takes for me to need to pay attention to my rotation, or the removal of fun things, like, dot management, or, healers being one button spammers (The simple rotation on those healer classes actually negatively affects my ability to play healers, because I just, zone out and stop paying attention to health bars, or really anything with that simple of an attack rotation. If there was a healer class with a more complex dps rotation, I could probably play healer, not like, 12 buttons to worry about crazy, but more like, 4-5 buttons)
PLD is my favorite tank aesthetically.
If they heavily trimmed down all the goofy random utility and upped the main kit I'd be tempted to hang up my ultimate axes for it
I am not a fan of these notes like it now will be just another builder then most likely bc some ppl complain about it not being a usual tank and I liked that about PLD now ugh I was drawn to it by its asthetics and utility so I'll still play it just wish they didn't do this conformity with the DoT removal looking at Scorge from DRK but I won't judge it till it's out
Do something with shield bash for the love of god
Paladin mains… Better start drinking
(i know I will be)
I think they're going to make make Cover usefull. Or replace with Bullwark…?
I didn't like removing dots, but overall it seems good changes on paper
I haven't played for almost a year and I'm typing this and reacting as I'm playing the video:
Short rotation is okay, I did like the current one
I'm not a fan of removing DOT, its one of the thing I liked, but now I wonder wtf will happen to Goring blade in general, is it just going to be another ''Hard strike'' cooldown?
a free Holy Spirit is nice
Holy Sheltron change is good
Bulwark return is good
I like that they're bringing Bulwark back. I was PRAYING 🙏🏾 they would give me something for my favorite job in terms of 1 additional mit.
And I like that they're fixing Holy Shelton. Not crazy about them removing DoTs though.
I hope Cover is getting changed to have 30y range. It's fine if you lose the friendship bracelet like Dragon sight.
Maybe add a natural DEF buff to Cover Or a shield on the PLD's health. Just something to help lower the damage you take if used without another buff.
Or in the event you need to save a healer from a tank buster. Ivul didn't block all the damage… (We lived but it was close.)
Can’t wait for Warrior 3
basicaly not a fan of ANY of the mentioned reworks
removal of dots is just weird.
making the class also reliant on burst window is gonna piss me off(i liked how "indipendent" PLD was, sure having the raidbuff was GOOD, but the class itself didnt necesserly need it)
also a free holy spirit after weapon combos is just.. weird on a conceptual level, i LIKED that Magic and Physical where seperate "phases" on pld, yes you could cast your magic but outside of specific situation you didnt want to etc.
Bulwark coming back is pretty amazing
I went back to GNB after 6.2 because despite looking cool and having a more flexible rotation, Paladin felt like an old man doing piss poor damage and lacking an extra def CD.
Hopefully these changes will make me revisit the job
I love that they removed the DoTs. Not so much that the reason for it is probably the 2 minute window. It always felt weird to me that a knight job uses DoTs so heavily. I wish they would go back to MP as a core mechanic. This feels like a great step in terms of PLD fantasy but for the wrong reasons. Also happy that Bulwark returns in some form. If the core rotation isn't just a copy of WAR I might return to the job. All of it depends on how they deal with Atonement, Holy Spirit, Requiescat, Goring Blade and FoF. Unfortunately they didn't show gameplay so it's hard to tell how it will turn out.
I just finally finished leveling PLD so I now have all the tanks at 90. I'll admit the rotation does feel kinda clunky at times, but maybe I'm just now doing it right, I don't know.
Job changes.. Only paladin
Rip bottom dps redmage guess ill stick with playing tank again this tier
I feel like anyone who is looking forward to these changes doesn't play paladin or just sits in limsa all day. I really hope I am wrong and the dev team knows what they are doing but I really don't think they do.
The whole fun of playing PLD is how many different openers and rotations you have to come up with and optimize for different fights. I can not see how they would fit it all into a 2min rotation without taking that away, especially with the holy spirit casts being thrown in the middle of the phys rotation.
That line about improving versatility by removing DoT dependency is just plain wrong. The current best PLD rotation for most fights using 2.5gcd and Req opener has a like 70% DoT uptime. There are many different DoT applications based on opener, rotation and skill speed used. Fixating the timing of your DoT application in the rotation (like GNB) is effectively the same as not having to apply it at all.
People seem to be hyped because "Oh the defensive changes are so good!!1" despite the fact that there isn't much damage in the game at all in the first place that even needs as many mitigations as the other tanks have currently if they are used with proper timing, making tanking even more braindead than it already is.
I really don't get why PLD has to be changed. This entire 2min meta is boring and other jobs are losing their identities to fit in it. I don't mind having lower damage than other tanks, especially when this only happens because they ruined dealing with any downtime whatsoever by making the boss hitboxes insanely big and doubling the effect of the range-tax. I just hope next expansion isn't like this.
I hope PLD can be MT more, its weird when you literally have shield but have weak defense abilties also glad Bulwark is back