Parents React to FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker

Renowned FINAL FANTASY expert Jesse Cox gets his parents to react to FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker. This expansion is the thrilling final chapter in the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story bringing a variety of new dungeons, jobs, and updates to the game! (In Partnership with Square Enix)
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25 thoughts on “Parents React to FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker”

  1. Oh please please can we have Susan do a playthrough? She's hilarious, I love her! Jack is awesome too but I'm just vibing with Susan's love for bunny boys and agree with her assessment that they should wear "medium clothes".

  2. It was not the companies last ditch effort before closure, it was Sakaguchi's before quitting the industry if it did not sell. Why does everyone spread that false rumor? Also, it was originally going to be named Fighting Fantasy as they wanted something they could simply abbreviate, but the name was already taken so they landed on Final Fantasy.

    Despite that, great video.


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