P1S Tiles | FFXIV Savage | mini guide

How to resolve “Tiles” From P1S – Multiple patterns and multiple methods.



17 thoughts on “P1S Tiles | FFXIV Savage | mini guide”

  1. Step 1: Assign every player a colour (a1,b2,c3,d4)

    DPS – Step 2: Anti cardinal, blue mid tank spot (behind boss?)
    Healer – Step 2: Sides then in
    Tank – Step 2: North/South, orange mid tank spot (front of boss?)

    Step 3: Go to the correct element for your colour pair (a1,b2,c3,d4)

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's profit and basically works for both set ups? I've yet to actually log in and fight P1S but I think this could work for party finder.

  2. I have a hypothesis that the left pattern in this vid always resolves top to bottom, and the right pattern always resolves bottom to top. Does anyone have a counterexample?

  3. easyest way i found to resolve this. if top and bottom are the same you take opposite eighter north or south on second hit if they are different you go mid and keep yourse for third hit. no rotating or ajusting required. and everyone can do this including north and south

  4. Ok so as I get it for the left side, if the boss goes top to bottom: 3dps go corner mid corner, both healers go E/W>S>original positions. The one who is MT at that moment goes N>Mid>N. Then the OT and one DPS, lets say the SE DPS. So OT starts S goes N and then goes back to SE, while the DPS starts SE goes S and then stays. Am I correct?

  5. You can do the left scenario with only 2 players doing anything special, the south tank just does the same as dps and chills middle on the second explosion. Top tank soaks two in a row, rotates into a dps square for the third. The dps from that square soaks south on second, and north on third.

    Thats assuming it always goes top to bottom for that pattern, which I am not sure if that is the case or not. However, if it can go bottom to top, you do the exact same thing, but its the south tank doing the dance. Just as an example, that case would be south tank takes two in a row, swaps with a dps, while that dps soaks north second, then south third. Same thing as the other way, just inverted. And of course north tank just does the same as all the other dps, and his second soak is covered by the rotating dps.

  6. I see two ways of doing this. First one that will probably be used in PF is like this:
    -Each player have preassigned position for explosion 1/3
    -If your top and bottom cube have opposite color, you go middle in explosion 2, else you either go north or south to get the right debuff for explosion 3
    -Exception to this rule is player in north that will never move (will take a dmg down/vuln in one of the pattern). Maybe sacrifice a healer in that spot

    If you really want to avoid any debuff it goes like this:
    -Each player have preassigned position for explosion 1/3, except N and NE who have 2 preassigned position (N and NE)
    -Same strat as the first except that for these two player, they never go middle in second explosion, position by priority is : My position/ My second position/ South
    For instance if i'm N in this video and explosion is top to bottom, i'll stay north for the first two because that's my first priority position, then since I can't stand here for the last, I go NE
    If explosion is bottom to top, I can't stand N in second explosion nor NE so I go south, then I can't go N so I go NE
    Same reasoning for the player in NE

  7. What my party did was just look at the top/bottom of your assigned squares. If the colors are opposite, you go in middle and don't change your color. Then resolve your square after purple goes off. If colors are the same on your square when starting, you go to N or S to change color, then resolve after. Most simple way of doing it in party finder even if the tank takes a damage down.

  8. For mixed colors, dps can just go
    Corner > middle > Corner
    So lets say my pattern is R>P>B. I take the first hit in my corner from the red crystal. This gives me a red debuff. I run to the middle to avoid the second hit (purple) and to keep my red debuff. I wait for purple to go off. Then I run back to my corner (with the same red debuff on me) to take the hit from the blue crystal. Easy peasy.


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