Xeno continues his Omega Ultimate prog, this time clearing the forth phase of the ultimate raid and seeing phase 5 for the first time. Phase 4 has an incredibly tight DPS check and it took Xeno and his team 4 wipes at 1% before they got this clear. Omega Ultimate DPS checks will be a problem for party finder. Blue Screen will be a static killer.
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► Xeno’s VOD Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvVHFO7bSOc6jFJm-oxZIrQ
► Xeno’s fflogs: https://www.fflogs.com/character/id/27629
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#Xeno #FFXIV #endwalker
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Link: http://youtu.be/JuaM1romA3c
Background music by Sirius Beat
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/siriusbeat
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► leocoman3@gmail.com
WHM diff xffing
We talking about Man Mode.
Man Mode clear confirmed
MANMODE I never had any doubt xdd
Wth was that Raid wide??
Man Mode? More like Dead Mode. xxfing
Man mode finally located after going missing since P8S
Strummer finasly got it Pog
To be fair to the machine, it's also enabling protocol "manmode"
MANMODE was hiding on TOP since P8S xff
MANMODE, only consumes napalm
Xeno if you keep wiping you're going to have to learn to shave
hey thanks for adding the FF14 music :+1:
Have a lot of respect for you sticking to your guns on this one. That shit was hype as hell
1:27 shxt it's gonna be on me xffing
My strummer is back
I think gunmode could help
NAPALM, GASOLINE, VOLCANO, BEARD, BALD , MANMODE, congrats cute strummer peepoKISS
The rage inside Xeems has awakened once again, and it will devour this stupid robot Cell wannabe!
Activate MAN MODE. Become unstoppable!
shoutout to the guy playing reaper fuck all dem haters
I salute you sir
warrior is not even highest damage healer xdding
FFXIV Reactions clip show during the MANMODE at the end here is a beautiful thing to ract to