"Nothing to do" in Final Fantasy 14 | #Shorts

We’ve all been there, where we “conveniently” forget it’s an MMO and there’s literally a thousand other things we could be doing. Don’t lie. The stuff shown in this video is like 2% of the stuff you can do in game. Where did I get that number from? I made it up.


4 thoughts on “"Nothing to do" in Final Fantasy 14 | #Shorts”

  1. Then you play for 3 more hours but don’t enjoy it really. You just do it because it’s something to do and the weird sunk cost feeling hits you that if you take a break, you might never play again. Been there, done that a million times. Play the game until it gets boring, then unsub and play something else or do something with your life if every game is boring. Nothing like enjoying a game after you achieve some irl shit, feels way better than mindlessly playing all day out of habit


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