Noob reviews FF14 ARR in 2024 | FF14 Journal 5

It’s time to dabble in another famous community I’ve seen fellow Monster Hunter fans fall to: Final Fantasy 14

Editor: @RaulDaFama

#finalfantasyxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy


19 thoughts on “Noob reviews FF14 ARR in 2024 | FF14 Journal 5”

  1. Lol So for thos wondering…. Yes Community members Blue, Vulcanfaux and I went Blue Mage for Ultima. What was cut out is after, or rather during, Jay casting LB3 on Ultima Weapon the three of us Self-Destructed and proceeded to blame Jay for friendly fire lol

  2. Congrats on beating ARR! Fun fact: those solo instances at the end are brand new, and really enhance the characters there for it. Guy with the double shields used to be a trial that lasted 20 seconds if that 😂
    The fight against lahabrea used to be bundled with the ultima weapon AND the gaius fight in a single extra long dungeon, with cutscenes you couldn't skip, all the while barely being that playable. I don't love all the changes they did in the ARR revamp, but those are definitely standouts.

    Excited to see you get to post-ARR! Especially the bahamut quests, i think those are a standout of base ARR

  3. I love that you are not giving the game infinite praise in just this expansion. I love the game, but arr can be rough. I hope you continue with the game, and I believe it gets better, but if it does not hook you, I’d love that you are as honest as you can with the criticism

  4. Not sure if it was mentioned before, but likely the reason you feel like it ended early is because it kinda does. In the 5.3 patch, roughly 30 msq quests were axed from ARR

  5. Oh please do look "too much" into the story and it would be wonderful if you uploaded your theories.
    Being amazed at sprouts figuring out the story or laughing at how wrong/silly their theories are is best part of watching newcomers 😛

  6. Yes if you only play the 2.0 story. I would not recommend it. However afther 2.0 it starts getting better and better and with the 'best' expansion shadowbringers. You in for a treat

  7. Ohoho freah mea-

    I mean, a new sprout who's journey I can enjoy in a totally-not-emotional-vampire fashion 😊

    (Really though i appreciate that you can acknowledge both things you like and dislike, I'm interested in seeing how your perspective evolves as you play further)


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