Oh Nick you just opened the flood gates 😂 I hope you react to more FFXIV music! One of my all time favorite soundtracks thanks to Soken’s genius. I hope you react to the trailers at some point since it just adds that oomph to some of the songs, such as Shadowbringers and Answers! Anyways, love your content and wish you a happy new year!
so, the reason it's called FINAL fantasy is because it was square's hail mary. they were going under as a gaming company and if the first ff game didn't succeed, they would have gone bankrupt. so FINAL because it was their last attempt at success, and FANTASY because it was a fantasy game.
"The most original pieces of music in a video game(including expansions) FINAL FANTASY XIV set the Guinness World Record for most original pieces of music in a video game (including expansions) with an astonishing 384 songs." Good luck reacting to all of those. 😀
ff14 along has tons of fantastic songs to listen to, let alone the entire series. I have a 2 hour play list of songs from 14 I listen to, and that's not even all the songs, just the ones I prefer. I'm glad he's delving into game music because there's so much peak music for him to experience!
Women singing is call Amanda Achen, she does lot of FFXIV vocal since Shadowbringer, she have an incredible voice indeed, a true voice of an angel The male singer is Jason Charles Miller, powerful voice, and same as Amanda, he sang for some other FFXIV bangers
here comes the emotional vampires… i know there are no emotional attachments yet but there will be a bunch of people telling you to try out the game because it has a free trial lol
you did a ffxiv reaction, you opened the floodgates. you cannot escape them. they will come and they will ask you to react to more ffxiv and it shall be glorious
Man, He must listen to Ace combat music especially Daredevil and Zero.
That one Vergil's Bury The Light really motivates this man to do reaction to every game soundtracks in existence.
Ah, so he has finally reached the Stairway to Heaven I see. Final Fantasy music sits around the top.
We falllllllllllllllllllll 😎
Endwalker – Footfalls next
Oh Nick you just opened the flood gates 😂 I hope you react to more FFXIV music! One of my all time favorite soundtracks thanks to Soken’s genius. I hope you react to the trailers at some point since it just adds that oomph to some of the songs, such as Shadowbringers and Answers! Anyways, love your content and wish you a happy new year!
i was not imagining a world where he listened to ff14 music
Has no one here told Nick about the free trail yet?
I'm so happy that DMC continues to react to the music from my favorite game.
I never thought there would come a day where I see XIV on this channel
Can someone show this man The Black Mages already?
FFXIV genuinely changed my life.
so, the reason it's called FINAL fantasy is because it was square's hail mary. they were going under as a gaming company and if the first ff game didn't succeed, they would have gone bankrupt. so FINAL because it was their last attempt at success, and FANTASY because it was a fantasy game.
Soooo… he frakked.
ARK farming content.
Welcome to another rabbit hole. We have such.. wonders for you to see.
The final Final Fantasy will be 29 because ain't no way Square Enix is gonna drop a game called "Final Fantasy XXX".
Endwalker Footfalls next
That violin rendition of Eternal Wind always makes me tear up, I wish there was a standalone song for that bit.
Loving that Nick is getting into more FFXIV videos!
Honestly, it is my favorite game, so I love to see more people get into it
React to all the FF14 trailers
"The most original pieces of music in a video game(including expansions) FINAL FANTASY XIV set the Guinness World Record for most original pieces of music in a video game (including expansions) with an astonishing 384 songs." Good luck reacting to all of those. 😀
5:56 Based pause XD
should listen to Fiend from FFXIV next, it feels and sounds like a Powerman 5000 song, I swear
Shadowbringers is all around peak. The music, the story, the characters, pretty much everything.
Oh boy, PEAK is here. Soken don't miss, prepare yourself.
Whoever started Nick on this train… thank you, lol
ff14 along has tons of fantastic songs to listen to, let alone the entire series. I have a 2 hour play list of songs from 14 I listen to, and that's not even all the songs, just the ones I prefer. I'm glad he's delving into game music because there's so much peak music for him to experience!
Women singing is call Amanda Achen, she does lot of FFXIV vocal since Shadowbringer, she have an incredible voice indeed, a true voice of an angel
The male singer is Jason Charles Miller, powerful voice, and same as Amanda, he sang for some other FFXIV bangers
here comes the emotional vampires… i know there are no emotional attachments yet but there will be a bunch of people telling you to try out the game because it has a free trial lol
I made a comment just yesterday on the video where he listened to Answers and then this happens, what the peak
The name Final Fantasy was picked as the developer was on the brink of bankruptcy and banked the future of the company on the game being a success
you did a ffxiv reaction, you opened the floodgates. you cannot escape them. they will come and they will ask you to react to more ffxiv and it shall be glorious
Never thought I'd see this crossover. Welcome to PEAK Nick.
Next watch Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Close in the Distance lol
Final fantasy 7 remake – Airbuster Theme next
Bruh this guy watches Bury the Light, Devil Trigger then the Shadowbringers trailer?? Why is he making custom content targeted specifically at me??
"Scream" next surely
Its already outdated