NEW PLAYER To FINAL FANTASY XIV Takes On His First Trial (Lord Of The Inferno)

Hello Albsterz Here, and welcome back to Final Fantasy XIV. Today is the big day, we try to take down our first Trail called Lord Of The Inferno.

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29 thoughts on “NEW PLAYER To FINAL FANTASY XIV Takes On His First Trial (Lord Of The Inferno)”

  1. Congrats on your first trial fight.

    Every trial boss has an ult move that will wipe your group if handled incorrectly. In the case of Ifrit, if that spike he summons isn't destroyed by the time he casts hellfire, hellfire would one shot your group.

  2. I didn’t see anyone explain materia to you, so I’ll give it a go. The gear you wear while fighting (crafting or gathering) will gain spiritbond up to 100. Once it reaches 100 you can get your materia out of it. All gear will have a spiritbond entry in the items description. New gear will be at 0. As you use/fight with the gear equipped the bond will rise. If you get an axe (marauder/warrior) you’ll have to be a marauder or a warrior to use it and get it bonded before you can get the materia out of it.

    The type of job you are while using and bonding to the equipment will determine the type of materia you get. As an Arcanist you’ll get materia useful to a magic using job. As a fisherman you’ll get materia useful to gathering jobs and so on.

    Also, if you aren’t interested in crafting there’s an npc standing around the market area in every city that will bond materia to gear for you.

    Hope that clears it up a bit.

  3. the legion names are roman numerials. VIIth Legion = 7th Legion.
    also the commendation system doesnt work in premade groups, you can only commend random pugs. meaning if you go in as a full 4/8/24 man group, no commendations. though if you go in as a partial party, only the random pug members can be given commendations. its made that way to avoid abuse of the system.

  4. Materia is actually very simple.
    1) Do what you do on your class/job and your spiritbond with your gear will increase.
    2) Once spiritbond is 100%, you use the Extract Materia command on it. You get a piece of materia and the gear's back down to 1% spiritbond.
    3) After you level a Disciple of the Hand class enough, you'll be able to meld materia to gear yourself. Until then, there are NPCs who can do it for you for a fee.
    4) Melding materia into gear adds extra stats to that gear.
    5) Higher level gear will want higher grade materia. There are eight grades.
    6) There's also Advanced Materia Melding, but we can save the lessons on that for another day.

    Also, you can only give player commendations to randoms who got matched with you. When you make a party and go into a duty that way, you can't give your party members commendations. It'll have its own marker at the bottom right, just like loot.

  5. Only thing with levelling beyond your msq is being synced out your skills for duties that you’ve got used to using in the open world lol

    Also on gpose you can save your light settings and such for quick loading next time. So when you next go in gpose you can load previous saved settings. Think it’s the bottom 2 options on the left of the gpose menu (green and red buttons). One is save the other load.

  6. Oh man, keep the content coming! And I hope you enjoy the slight changes in the game, especially the UI. Don't forget to activate the 4k UI elements in the settings, and enjoy the beautiful new icons!

  7. Just wondering, but has anyone explained how you can take up every job/class in the game on one character? All you have to do is go to the guild for the class you are interested in to unlock it, then equip the proper weapon for that class to switch. For example if you go to Gridania you can unlock and level up archer without having to play as an alt.

  8. you can only commend people that is not part of your premade party when going in…this prevents people from farming commendations in premade parties since there are some achievements and i think rewards if you reach certain number of commendations….so you can only commend people if you queued in the matchmaking and joined a random party….

  9. As you'll unlock more difficult version of these fights – they will get more and more beautiful in terms of animations and movesets. Looking forward to your reaction towards those =D

  10. It may seem like the most basic of fights now, but back then the Ifrit battle showed me that FF14 has something many other mmos lack: a midgame. For most mmos, there is nothing between "overworld mobs that just stand there for you to press buttons" and "must program your own game to have the perfect rotation and know every frame of the fight" hardcore raids that assume you have a large group of real life friends that can psychically coordinate better than real life sports teams. Nothing to teach you the game's mechanics via experiencing them yourself. Ifrit, meanwhile, gives you a taste of deliberate aoe patterns, frequent yet obvious groupwide damage, a need to keep a boss positioned so the non-tanks don't get incinerated if Ifrit happens to sneeze the wrong way, and dps checks. All by level 20.

  11. Great stuff man, very entertaining! I like watching new players playthrough ff14 because it reminded me when i first started. Full of nostalgia! People always say that ff14 base game (ARR) is too long and boring but for me it isn’t boring. How i wish i can start over the story and forget that ive played this game before. The journey is what’s great about this game. You got yourself a sub, id like to see your journey in world of ff14 lol. Also, nero voice over is perfect, it fits lol.


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