Hello Albsterz Here, and welcome back to Final Fantasy XIV Journey, today we take on our first dungeon.
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About Final Fantasy XIV Online
Final Fantasy XIV Online, also known collectively with its initial relaunched title Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 新生エオルゼア, Fainaru Fantajī Fōtin: Shinsei Eoruzea?, lit. Final Fantasy Fourteen: Eorzea Reborn), is the relaunched version of the fourteenth installment of the Final Fantasy series and the second, after Final Fantasy XI, to be an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game).
#Albsterz #FinalFantasyXIV #FF14
So you know that 15 seconds till close prompt happens when a boss is engaged. The purple glowing line on the ground indicates the threshold to the boss fight area. As far as loot there will be a loot button in the lower right corner of the screen so you don't have to go up to the chest. In groups with random players you might want to get used to rolling/passing on all gear. This is because not doing so is the same a pressing greed and makes people wait all 300 seconds to get said gear. Other than that remember it is always about the marshmallows…..lol
Albsterz, you actually want to swap your #3 and #4 skills around. Use the blue one first, then cast the green one. The green one is an instant cast while the blue is on a cast timer. So you want to use the cast-time skill first, then use the instant one. That lines up the two dots timers with each other 👍
Loot rules.
Offered to everyone.
If it relates to your class/job you can roll “Need” if you want it. It will give you priority.
You can tell what job it relates to under the item name/image. You’ll see something like Acn Smn Sch meaning it’s for arcanist summoners and scholars. Lnc Drg would mean it’s for lancers and dragoon
If it’s not specific to your current job Need is not available so you can roll “Greed” you get a random number 1-99 and highest roll wins it. UNLESS, someone rolls need. In which case regardless of their number they will get it as stated above due to job priority.
Pass will just pass on it. If nobody “rolls” it is discarded into the great beyond.
When you get past ARR you should try to get some people from twitch to help you learn some of the lv50 extreme trials so you can get an early taste of harder content. I'd love to see your reactions to learning that kind of fight.
Been waiting on this for weeks!! Congratulations! Stoinks!!
Not sure if anyone’s said anything yet, but that “level 24” isn’t the level of the duty, it’s the level that you’ll be scaled down to if you were a higher level. So if you were level 26 and you did it, you’d be scaled down to level 24 while completing it.
it’s the games way of stopping you from being way over levelled and just oneshotting your way through duties 🙂
That yellowjacket gave you a bad choice. You are an adventurer and a daft sod.😆
Early in the game 'adventurer' seems to be synonymous with 'disposable'. 🤔
It's funny to see someone excited in Sastasha 🤣
But great video dude 😁
Yes you'll come to find out that the only way to get through a dungeon, for most people, is as quickly as possible. If you want to sightsee you better let your party know or else they're just going to go full steam ahead. IMO pulling all the trash mobs at one time is a bit of a disservice to a first time dungeon runner.
And as you notice all the visual effects of just four people is a bit much, now imagine that for 8, 24 or more people! That's why I turned the visual effects down to just show mine. 😆 Especially when there are area of effect visuals you need to get out of and you can't see them because of all the flashing lights. I know it helped my ability to stay alive by quite a bit. 👍
I assume all your party members are passing on low-level gear so you can have it. Don't feel bad you're getting it all. 😉
When it says 'level 24' in a the solo-duty UI, that's the level it will synch you down to if you've overleveled it. So if you waited until 30 then went back to do the lv 20 quest, it would synch your level down to 24 for the duty. It does the same for dungeons, raids, trials, etc.. You can't participate in Fates you join unless you synch down to their max level.
It keeps everyone on a level playing field, basically.
Looting etiquette… Pretty much hit Need for anything you can and hit Greed for anything else. If you want to hit Pass or Greed instead of Need go right ahead. I've never had anybody throw a fit about loot in dungeons. Probably because everything you get with tomestones outclasses any dungeon drops. (Barring special drops like minions and other special items. People may complain about their crappy rolls on such items but I've never seen anybody be mean to others about it.)
keeping the dots rolling can be rough in the beginning. though later you will get a skill that can spread the dots from you main target to all surrounding targets. which saves time and MP.
It's cute that you apologize to the pirates' slaves that you killed their master. 😉 Your party didn't show you the other room that's a giant cage for all the captives. 😭 You start talking to them and this dungeon's story is pretty dark.
in solo duties, like this one, the level you see only means if you are higher than 24, the game will sync you down to level 24 to try and preserve some semblance of difficulty. not to say its hard by any stretch of the imagination but it keeps you from outright roflstomping it and keeps the integrity of the encounter intact to some extent. its a Lv 20 quests so you are in the correct level range for it, as expected. sometimes they will not only Level sync you to a specific level but also item level sync you as well, but that differs from quest to quest. just a measure that maintains the possibility of failure if you dont do what the duty expects of you. ie protecting certain npcs, or not dpsing down healers or failing to killing high damage targets.
I completely forgot Edda's group follows you around your first dungeons. They're a cool squad, keep your eyes on them.
All i can say is, congrats, and expect the duties to start getting crazier as time goes on. Also, start getting ready to get popcorn and drinks ready for later on in the story as cutscenes get super long.
Today's pro-tip for you: As an arcanist/summoner, you are one of the few DPS who can ressurect party members (red mage being the other one who can). Keep your instant cast cooldown next to your rez so you can instantly rez a fallen ally.
The bad news: Your healing spell is going to sadly become useless later on.
Gear wise, as a caster, you want gear with intelligence. This gets easier past level 50 when gear has suffixes to make it obvious.
Fending: tank
Maiming: dragoon
Striking: samurai or monk
Aiming: ranged DPS
scouting: ninja
Healing: Healer
Casting: caster
Glad to see you enjoy your first dongeon, what did you enjoy about it and is there anything you didn't like?
Seeing you play, honestly I am curious if you'll stick to summoner (which I am hoping xD you'll love it) when you get the stone or switch to scholar uwu
Either way I am excited to see you continue you're journey in ff14!
Even as healer, I save swiftcast (the one in your 6 spot) for reviving because otherwise it takes SO long
Need & Greed everything.
don`t worry no one needs sastasha gear^^
keep it up, motivation is great you just need to work on your rotation^^
You can always tell if Sparky is summoned or now by looking at the party list (yours being in the top left). The summoned carbuncle/egi will be listed at the bottom of the list, or will BE the list if it's the only entity in your party (at level 30, you'd be able to have a feathery friend fight with you regardless of the class you're on, so in theory you'll have both out fighting for ya).
At level 15 you can unlock the glamour system (transmogrified equivalent) for your gear in Vesper Bay by talking to Swyrgheim
The chamber where you fought the mini boss Shallowtail Reaver you noticed there's a bunch of females npc's around standing there. Those are the missing women who were kidnapped to probably be sold and as personal slaves
I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet but that ability at rhe end next to your two summon buttons is an aoe ability you can make your green carbuncle use in big mobs for dungeon or if you have yellow out it gives you a damage shield. You may wanna move if someone easier for you to hit
You are SO funny and entertaining. I am currently grinding away on my 16th Class (Dark Knight) and can't wait for your videos to watch on my breaks from grinding. I miss those days you are enjoying. Please continue to have fun and share it with us.
Oh hey, you've met Avere's party! Keep them in the back of your head for a while. In fact, you should pay special attention every time you see them.
In Sastasha, your party members were a gunbreaker, a monk, and a white mage. All of them were at least level 30. The gunbreaker was at least level 60. Trust me, nobody cared that you got all the loot. In fact, there are things you can do with stuff you don't need outside of selling them on the market or to NPCs.
At 16:30, there were a few rooms you skipped. You should go back in for that at some point.
Your actions in combat are still very inefficient. I think you should go to Summerford Farms and practice the following sequence against a striking dummy: Miasma, Bio, Energy Drain, Fester, Ruin, Egi Assault, Fester, Egi Assault. Don't use Swiftcast and don't wait to press any of the buttons. Once you think you've had enough practice, you can right-click the dummy and choose "reset enmity."
Pretty much all enemies disappear in dark smoke upon their defeat. It doesn't mean the Ascians are involved. It just means they're dead now. The final boss of Sastasha was just a Sahagin.
Finally, here's how loot works! When you cast lots, you get a random number 1-99 and the highest number gets the item. Everyone can roll Greed on everything. However, if it's a piece of equipment your job/class is better able to use than others (think about those acolyte's halfgloves that say Disciples of Magic can wear them), you can roll Need, which gives you priority over everyone who rolls Greed. For example, that gunbreaker (who was a tank) had the option to roll Need on the plundered cuirass because it's equippable by tanks and lancers/dragoons only.
The dungeons even in ARR are interesting. Nothing crazy but they all feel so different 🙂 It's always fun to watch players experience content I have xD Now I have you and Tiny to watch~
Id reccomend zooming the camera out so you can see whats going on in the future XP you don't wanna be hit by AOE's you cant see 😛
Limsa Losa…Lima Loma…Lisma Lomsa…Limsa Lola…
Some advice on Arcanist which can help you a bit in the future. I've seen people posting skill advice here already but there's some things missing that you could keep in mind, even if they are a bit more on the optimization side of things.
Emerald Carbuncle is better than Topaz for trash packs where you'd need AoE due to it's auto attack and all of it's skills being AoE. Right now your best way to deal AoE damage on packs is Emerald's Egi Assault (Downburst) skill, of which you have 2 charges of. Essentially when you use it, you spend one of the charges and the skill starts cooling down the charge that you spent while still allowing you to use the second charge for another cast. After that you want to place Miasma and Bio on every monster you can before you start doing Ruin.
Topaz Carbuncle is better for single enemies solely because it's auto attack is more powerful than Emerald's. It's Egi Assault is useful if you are making mistakes that make you lose health, but outside of that you generally want to avoid using Topaz's skill.
Always make sure to keep Miasma and Bio up. It's not just because they power up Fester, but they also deal more damage than if you had used 2 Ruins instead. If you want to make the most of them you can refresh them at around 3 or less seconds.
(If you want more in-depth details, damage over time skills work on the server tick, which is every 3 seconds. Every 3 seconds you get a damage tick, so if you want to know how much potency skills like this have, divide their duration by 3 and you'll know how many ticks of damage they can deal. Bio for example lasts 30 seconds, so it has 10 ticks of 20 potency. Therefore it does a total of 200 potency.)
When at some point you arrive at a place called "The Waking Sands", have a good look around at the NPCs around there. You may find a familiar name.
La Noscea is pronounced La No-Sha
that Edda group seems to be fine, i hope the best for them in the future, im dying to see where their next adventures gonna take them
It's been really enjoyable watching your journey with FFXIV so far! I'm a fairly recent player too, been playing for about 6 months and just started Heavensward, and your enthusiasm for it is so nice to watch! I'm glad everyone has mentioned talking to the NPCs, I would have missed them too if people hadn't told me, and it's a really good story. I have an alt who started with arcanist, and I found it a tricky class to learn especially with the emerald carbuncle dealing AoE damage and pulling mobs when you're really low level. I can't wait to see what you think of the story as it progresses!
Love you, you're like a ray of sunshine illuminating the dark depths of the sea.
Congrats on your clear. Small bit of advice as someone who has played SMN for a loooong time…
Open with Miasma as it cast a cast time, then you can instant cast Bio this will get you DoTs going with roughly the same time on them. Fester is best used on targets that have the Miasma an Bio effects on them, and you need to burst them down. For lower levels if you are fighting groups its good to tab thru and get your DoTs on as many people as possible. When you get to lvl 30 you'll learn Bane they will spread your Miasma a Bio effects to other mobs so its less mana taxing at that point to really start getting the damage going.
Also let "Sparky" attack an save the special attacks for bigger groups or boss fights, and you don't have to micro manage your pets as much as you do like a WoW Hunter.
Love the vids, and welcome to one of the best communities around.
In dungeons, Sparky's ability is more useful on mobs of multiple enemies as it is a conal AOE attack and will hit multiple enemies. You'll eventually get a different summon that is for single target attacks later in the Summoner progression.
Why does everyone skipt he limit break tutorial???
No need to click on the treasure chest in dungeons after someone else has opened it btw. A little loot icon appears on the bottom right of screen where you can view the loot pool
Aww hope you found your first dungeon of many enjoyable shame we are both on different worlds i am on Cerberus x
Also go in your Actions tab and go in general and get the Limit Break skill on your hot bar 🙂 xxx
It's a pity you had a tank going for wall-to-wall pulls. There's actually a ton of lore and story in Sastasha that you can see if you go to the side rooms instead of just doing the quickest pulls.
There's so much lore and story in almost every dungeon if you take your time to check most of them out.
Hello, I am a new subscriber. I enjoy your Journey in Final Fantasy 14.
This Game ist everything to me, and I am really Happy to see someone choose my Main Class as their very First Job.
It maybe is the Class with the tightes Rotation there is in the Game. It Is not very forgiving but really Fun.
May I give my Humble Insight?
Due to the global cooldown, it is best to Start your Dots with Miasma, and instantly Cast Bio after it.
Your 5 does Most Damage when 2 Dots are active.
So….your Rotation in the beginning should be:
4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 1 – 1 (rinse and repeat)
4 Has Cast time that ist simmiliar to the global cooldown. So when it is Casted, you can instantly Cast Bio which has No Cast time.
I am looking Forward to your further Journey fellow Warrior ❤️
Your party ran you through that first dungeon super quickly. Hope you were still able to have fun doing that dungeon but also hope in later dungeons you can actually take them a bit slower to be able to appreciate them more.
Once you have reached shadowbringers your vocabulary will be akin to a Shakespearian thespian.