New Images on the FFXIV Patch 7.1 Special Site!

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24 thoughts on “New Images on the FFXIV Patch 7.1 Special Site!”

  1. My theory on Hildy, is that he's been aged up, if he landed in the Heritage found area pre bubble, he would have been trapped inside it for 30 years, meaning he'd be 52 now.
    Also he has a sort of Film Noir vibe going on.

    Also the Emote is the Ohokali 'hello' (not a dance) and from the Hanuhanu (not Pelu Pelu 😛 )

  2. I just want Tural to get some edge. Where is the crime? The human sacrifice? The enslavement of enemy tribes? WHERE IS REALITY!?
    EDIT: And yes the roles quests were 'light hearted' also dumb beyond all reason. Like insult to the intelligence to every single character and group involved in them.

  3. Flop of a patch. Back to grinding the anniversary sets in WoW I go. Nothing I’m seeing in 14 these days makes me remotely interested in going back to the game, certainly not more boring modern clothes

  4. welp, I was a fan of the cyber-punk, retro, synthwave aesthetic of the Arcadion and the sets from Vanguard… but this more 'street, urban, hip hop' style of the PvP gear is not really my cup of tea.. i guess they ran out of creative ideas for the fantasy – armor type since they basically did 3 versions back to back..
    PvP still fun, but guess i dont have to grind hella hardcore for the PvP set thats on offer.. =[

  5. The PvP gear looks very boring, we already have a couple of modern sets either from PvP or Mog Station and this gear looks too much like already existing gear. The Lv. 97 dungeons had cyborg gear too similar to the PvP gear but had enough to be it's own thing and stand out. This gear however has nothing standing out, people will still like it because it gives them more options if they want to have a more modern looking character. But it's still pretty boring and not really something worth doing PvP for. It can be said about the majority of Downtrails gear sets so far, they all look not really well designed. The new dungeon gear however looks good and for me worth to do the dungeon multiple times.

  6. I just did the crafting quests today. It included the tidbit that the Moblins used to be a tunneling/subterranian race. Weren't they underground in 11? They also implicated that their flooded empire is still out there waiting to be found and included it's name and general location. Would love to explore that.

  7. Your content used to be meaningful, helpful for people in the community. Now you are grasping at straws for the most minute bit of content to cover. It's sad to see someone you respect fall into the content farm spiral, covering literal nothing, and worst of all trying to do it before everyone cause apparently this has become a competition for you.

  8. Wasn't Hildi first introduced in 1.0 as a way to test the new character animations that would be coming in 2.0? Wouldn't be surprised if this was an "updated" skeleton of the graphical update player models so they can test out new animations. And that pvp armour is exactly what I imagine pvpbros to wear, complete with the Slav squat.


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