With Dawntrail less than a month away from Early Access, we ask ourselves if FFXIV’s gearing system is due for an update. Are there other ways we could obtain gear? Is it necessary? We also review Make It Rain 2024, and look at another update from the Mountain Dew campaign.
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00:00:00 – Intro
00:01:36 – Welcome
00:05:04 – RE: FFXIV Payment Update
00:10:25 – RE: Free Login Campaign
00:12:21 – RE: Mountain Dew Update
00:33:26 – RE: Make It Rain 2024 Review
00:46:07 – MogMail: Accessibility options
00:58:23 – Does FFXIV’s gearing system need an update?
Oh no, I see my question coming up… I always worry if I ask stupid questions DX
It's not the how many ways u can get geat, stats are boring, building is boring.
MT/s = Mega Transfers per second.
Basically the RAM makers don't like using MHz anymore for reasons, but it's the same thing essentially.
Ohh Maela brings up something ive talked about before with the WoW combat glossary. While i appreciate the endless amount of 3rd party resource websites we have for 14, having something ingame would help the need to have a tab open for stuff (ironically something 3rd party tools have access to). Like having a bestiary with the mobs you have killed at least once, and maybe even what it drops (can even be ??? Until you get said drop from it) would help so much in crafting instead of going to garland tools, check which mob drops it, figure out which is a normal mob from a special msq mob lol. Theres a lot of nice QoL updates we could use that can fit into accessibility.
Thank you for answering my question Speakers!
Gearing has been boring since Heavansward. Gear is worthless until raids. At least in ARR there was sense of gear progression because the game was just slower paced and you needed better gear to clear dungeons. Now you just get free gear for playing making obtaining gear pointless until you need to use tomes and that tome system is just boring and restricting.
Damgate 2024
>Me as a controller player sadly scrolling my finger on the touchpad to move the cursor just to read what the debuff is
I could just use the touchpad click, but i forget what order the cursor hovers over which UI
As a controller player, hitting buttons is super easy so I dunno what having 1-2-3 on a single button would even do. I can hit at least 48 buttons more easily than I could on a keyboard, with the way I play.
One thing they really need to do is let me get endgame tomes on roulettes without playing my capped jobs. I want to do roulettes to level, but I can't because I'll miss out on tomes. It just feels like I have to make a choice I shouldn't exist in the game.
Set bonus can be super fun if done right, but how the combat in this game is, how long dungeons and fights usually take, it's gonna be really wonky to do.
They work at Arpgs because you're bombarded with loot nonstop, you can work up to one set, find another, use it, then come back to the first when you have it full, or just change it all cuz you got lucky with a full set drop elsewhere.
Now imagine if all enemies here dropped loot, and all the clicks to sell it all once you're out of the dungeon.
Unless we had a system to roll loot without acquiring it if it's a dud and grabbing the nice one out of it, that or working it like a relic and slowly building up your set.
But then, there is balancing, how to make set skills balanced without letting something be meta, I don't think there ever was a game that made it, there is always the canker of meta, and you better have that specific set up OR ELSE!
Remember: You can get six DIET mountain dew. Only has ten calories versus the 200+. 20 oz. Still has caffeine, so be careful. I got the diet by accident and so glad I did cause my dilemma was going to be wtf to do with sugar versions since I never drink soda or even juice.
I guess I'm a goblin then,cuz I regularly wipeout my local aldi supply of their crappy aldi brand pop. 10 2l bottles lol, though mine has self checkouts and it doesn't require you to weigh it. So i just use the scanner and scan 1 bottle 10x. Regardless i think thats too much for a novel pc lol,too much work.
There are Mountain Dew recipes if you find yourself wanting to be adventurous. :p Oooooor just drink it all, get Type 2 Diabetes, and let it help on those chrome domes y'all mentioned awhile back. (Since diabetes can cause hair loss) Do the Dew.
The devs have made this game brain dead with how much they listen to the loud minority.
In 2026 we have to pay equivalent income tax on gil and calculated school tax on houses.
In terms of gearing, I honestly kinda love being able to make my own gear and gear for my friends. And I love when they chip in and help me make mats or trade me tome materials. I haven't been able to do it for money effectively yet, so I'm hoping 7.0 is when I get my fortune