New Armor Sets & Boss Images! – FFXIV Patch 6.4 Special Site Update


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27 thoughts on “New Armor Sets & Boss Images! – FFXIV Patch 6.4 Special Site Update”

  1. While I won't deny that the Asphodelos sets looked better as a whole, I hope that the new raid set will at least be more usable in mixed glams (an aspect that the Asphodelos set was rather weak in imo).

  2. didnt they say, that they designed the tome gear, to somewhat fit the weapons?
    given how different each weapon looks, I get that it is kind of difficult to achieve that, but the warrior weapon looks nothing like it is part of this set.

  3. I doubt the castle thing is Claudien. I'm sure he's just Erictonius reincarnated or something. It's the easy way for them to time jump Eric from just dying way back in the ancient world to now, while Elidibus and Lahabrea persisted to the modern era as Ascians and only died recently, so that we get all 3 characters in the modern Aetherial Sea as we wrap up this storyline.
    Interestingly, they emphasized the Lahabrea half-mask again in the trailer (though that was Elpis time). The original image and Lahabrea's is the right half. The trailer ends with the left half. I think this goes to my speculation that when the Final Days happened, they considered Athena's research worth pursuit, and Lahabrea re-merged with the crystal he was too busy to destroy. Lahabrea Elidibus and Emet were simply in Pandaemonium at the time of the sundering and that's how they dodged being sundered. They used Athena's incomplete research to elevate themselves and other Convocation members to Ascians in order to be able to carry out their mission.

  4. I likes the way they have the new chat log update sample shown with the names Cecil Harvey, Rosa Farrell, Kain Highwind and Edward Geraldine.
    The yellow comedy set looks kind of like The Bouncer from the PS2 era

  5. I absolutely cant wait for the hildabrand quest cuz one of my fav quest lines tbh and if they change step then i hope its like heavenwards somewhat but I personally don’t mind tomes either(which I really like)

  6. I'm really hoping for a nice SLENDER scythe from the golbez trial. If it's yet another stupidly huge scythe, I wil fly out to japan and perspnally tell Yoshi-P to stand in a corner for 10 MINUTES(!) and think about his actions.

  7. 1:13 I still think this thing is a messed up copy of Alexander. What Mr Happy says also kinda makes me think it could be, if it's Pandaemonium itself. Alexander is always represented as a city with angel wings, and you can clearly see an angel wing behind the tumor/growth thing in the screenshot of it.

  8. Can we PLEASE dial back the yass from gear just a little bit? Couldn't we get all this sort of stuff as level 1 glamour pieces instead of actual gear so that the people who want it can go wild while we also get actual battle gear?


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