IT’S 6.1 MSQ TIME, GODDDD DAMN IT! In this one, we’re catching up with big Tataru and the scions!
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Oh that necklace! What is it?
Cob, you consider picking on Elder Ring, brother?
Y'shtola and G'raha were the stars of this patch! :3
Also, I thoroughly recommend teasing Y'shtola at every opportunity you get. Her replies are priceless! 🤣
Y'shtola really stole the show this patch, I'm here for it!
That dungeon is now my favorite in the game. Having played FFXI for 12 years from its NA release, and nearly everything in there being ripped almost 1 for 1 from Nyzul Isle, I dig everything about that place. Plus, the gear looks cool as hell.
Y'shtola got some cute moments in this patch :3
Good to see you guys back with the MSQ. Wish I thought to take a photo with Yshtola, but the possibility slipped my mind.
Damn. Tataru really calling me out on my running into water with my clothes on.
When Tataru talked about pockets as a crafter I felt called out 😀
I love that in Endwalker the cups the player character gets in cutscenes are all the same size, regardless of player race. The cup at the start of this is the size of my Lalafell's head.
Which is enough tea for now.
Patch 6.1 was very very enjoyable! The Y'shtola stuffs are amazing! and we still got more stuff in a few weeks. please look forward to it! <3
Looking forward to your run on Aglaia. We formed a blind alliance group for it. It was absolute chaos figuring out mechanics. We fell and got KO'd a lot, but it was super fun!
I love how they explained the Treasure hunts role and worked them into the MSQ! was't needed but is fun to see anyway.
And u have't seen Y'shtola's truly cute side just yet!
What i liked the most about this MSQ was that it truly does make u feel like u are back to being a simple adventurer again, from the clothes to the quests.
In times of peril sometimes I forget that Y'shtola is a petit cat girl
Sophie: "I swear to God, Estinien's going to open an orphanage!"
The Plot: "…write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!"
Y'shtola had some great moments in this patch. Really liked how her voice was unguarded when she woke up but as soon as she saw you it was shields up!
I highly recommend that you do some of the level 90 treasure maps. They are super fun and play straight into this Storyline.
Unfortunately, the audio mix was quite poor here as you can only BARELY hear what the NPCs are saying over your voices. Whether the BGM was too loud as well I can't really say because as I try to crank the video up high enough to hear what the characters are saying I get blown out by your dialog. I assume that the two audio levels are captured separately and that this can be easily corrected in the future as your previous videos didn't really suffer from this. Either way, I look forward to the next part of your adventure and ESPECIALLY for you to get to the alliance raid!
Will you be doing the new revamped pvp?
the other options are fun to pick. I figured Raha would be the "right" choice and wanted to see his responses for the rest. He calls Shtola "prickly 😀
They just made the new treasure maps cannon. That’s so cool!
What an awesome first patch. This is the first time I'm playing a patch when it's current, and this patch has been an absolute treat. A really good MSQ that hooks you instantly, a shitton of QoL updates, a PvP revamp which I can appreciate even though I don't really like PvP, adventure plates for the memes and serious profiles both….it's so good. Not to mention actually working in an expansion to the treasure maps in a later patch into the lore.
Sophie and her comment about Puddingway made me remember!
If you go to the library in Old Sharlayan, Puddingway is standing on the pathway near a tree reading a book!
6.1 aka "Let bullies Y'shtora"
I love the part where the Loporitts call for advice to build treasure vaults for adventurer's to explore – just to think that we've been exploring these vaults since the start of the expansion 😀
Void, Zenos' voidsent, Golbez & 4 fiends from FFIV, Azdaja, The Twelve… It literally doesn't get better. I love this story so much.
You pass Puddingway on the way to get 'Shtola.