discord: https://discord.gg/HQNkbqvNdc
Thank you to https://twitter.com/ryumaxx_ for art!
Music that isn’t FFXIV or specified is from:
BGM:dova-syndrome https://dova-s.jp
SOUND: Otological https://otologic.jp/free/bgm/recent.html
#kougaon #ffxiv
Okay guys we got her noises, now let’s make an animation so great it makes it to the Italian senate.
seems fine- oh……OH! 😀
May not be ff14 related — but the russian voice lines for vayne from LoL are kinda sus too
Kinda impressed how similar she sounds to her English counterpart
Man feeling…feelings from insinuating noises on stream
Embrasses-moi Mamantoya~!
Man these French people I swear it's like they speak a whole other language
Well, damn…
New senator incoming
Honest to god thought you were just playing a clip from zone cartoon
Well. Let's just say I'm glad I put in my ear buds before I pressed play. I don't think I would be able to explain to my coworkers otherwise. 😂
"Grna ngna" grunts in french
years ago in a voice actors pannel in an anime event, someone asked them if they dub porn, they said, yeah, its the same as dubbing someone climbing a tree, then they live dubbed someone climbing a tree…
Damn she needs some milk
In my experience thats just basic french. I have french co-workers and they sound like this all day (the latter part of the video). I work in tech support tho.
and that's exactly why I never listen to anything in french except french shows if they have good va
i didnt need to watch this video, i didnt need french shtola in my head….
French Yshtola can step on me
I'm not French and don't understand a single word of it, but I've played XIV with FR dub since ARR beta when EN Minfilia scared me away. It was a toss between FR and DE, and FR Merlwyb won me over. Have yet to regret my decision.
The universal language we all speak.
Good thing I never listen to Y'shtola at all. I am safe
Now listen to any bard in alliance roulette XD
I’m French but every game I play is in English. Mainly because of VO quality. However from time to time the French version in games is better or on par, but it’s honestly rare.
French Y'shtola vs Italian Tifa who would win
It's funny watching a video get demonetized in real time.
the man really went to the hub live on stream. smh
is it me or does this and the english dub sound like she's really angry?
That thumbnail has the same energy Today with the Italian flag has
I didn’t know they added women’s tennis to the game
Sacre bleu!! 🇫🇷 🥖
This is what Asmongold listens to before he goes to sleep.
The best french voice in the game it's Emet-selch
Adding these to the NSFWoL folder
Yoshla'ta is mommy
maybe I'm down bad but French accents are S+ tier
Is it me or she kinda have a québécois accent?
It's just like the Tifa Incident a few months back. XD
So French Yshtola from FF14 is equivalent to Japanese Lisa from Genshin
mon pauvre gars , La voix Y'shtola je l'adore (un peu de respect pour les voix please , merciiii ) LES GENS QUI FONT LES VOIX TRAVAILLENT DUR ! ? toutes les voix sont supers chacun ces choix et preferences!