This is my arranged cover of Neath Dark Waters from Final Fantasy XIV – Shadowbringers. I hope you enjoy the video and please subscribe for more content like this. Thank you!
You can also find me on Soundcloud using the link below:
Composed by Masayoshi Soken
Arranged and produced by Mikey O’Neil
Piano & guitar performance by Mikey O’Neil
The beautiful art for this video was done by my dear friend
Please check out her amazing artwork and follow her on Instagram!
For tattoo fans there is also tattoo permission form by the artist which is available here:
I’m currently making content in my own time but if you’d like to support me and my work you can buy me a coffee using this page.
Every little bit is really appreciated and thank you for supporting my passion!
Another one ☝️
Just beautiful!❤
Beautiful arrangement 💜 one of my favorite songs from FFXIV
I really love that you used the instruments from Full Fathom Five with the notes of this track, kinda pulls it all together nicely.
Also you didn't use Full Fathom Five's harsh dings, those always bugged me, thank you much lmao.
This is absolutely beautiful!!
Why can I still hear ticking… XD
Love it
Amazing as always 😍😍😍
Thank you for your hard work, as always.
This is so beautiful, amazing work.
This is very beautiful, well done
I'm a day late how dare I T-T
You did my favourite 😭😭
I truly love how much it first sounds like you are underwater and you see some ancient ruins (which…is totally the atmosphere for the tempest) and than the jazzy touch kicks in which was propably the main genre of the Amarurots. The mastering and arranging is amazing, such a creative version of my favorite shadowbringers song 💙 I had gosebumps!