It’s been a few years since I’ve played World of Warcraft. I’ve tried other MMO’s since then. I come back with the intent to find out if the game is worth playing again. What has changed? Is it better or is it worse?
I start by creating a Dracthyr Evoker and beginning the story!
00:00:00 – Intro and Character Creation
00:06:45 – Awakening
00:18:20 – Evoking and Soaring
00:26:49 – Search and Rescue
00:34:30 – The Primalists Attack
00:43:03 – Raszageth
00:53:02 – Orgimmar
I stream 2-3 days a week over at Twitch! Usually Guild Wars 2 on Thursday and Sunday nights (Friday and Monday mornings for EU). And on Tuesdays I stream variety (Wednesdays for EU). All at 6 PM Pacific US time.
I love a variety of games, especially RPGs and weeby anime games. Chill environment over here!
Welcome to the club! Enjoy your stay!
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We talk games, anime, share memes, and chill! I also post live notifications on Discord and post stream schedules on there and on Twitter!
🎬 Intro socials graphic credit:
🎵 Intro music:
Track: Pandaria Inn music from WoW: Mists of Pandaria
Track: ROY KNOX – Lost In Sound
Music Provided By: Magic Records
Listen To The Original:
gw1 used to have a UI editor but anet decided not to bring that into gw2
Every time i see raszageth all i see its cute tiny hands.
Anet said they weren't happy with the way players where setting up the UI, So they set for the use. I think they had to rush to get the game out on time and just locked it down instead of one you could customize!
Didn't know WoW dragon's are that small
I see that Blizzard is totally ignoring all the Fascistic aspects they accidentally made in Thrall's Horde and how it right down to the happy slaves was an allegory of the Lost Cause myth.
Thrall was instrumental in creating Garrosh the tyrant through his blind hero worship of Grom that willfully ignored all the shit that Grom did out of his own will. Yeah, Grom might have killed Manneroth and thus "saved the orcs" and he also willfully went under his influence to avoid getting killed even though it was supposedly a fate worse than death.
Gul'dan also never tricked the Horde into drinking the blood of Manneroth. All he said was that the brew would make them stronger than anyone else, and then Grom (notice a pattern here?) went for it. And then the full Faustian deal was revealed. If someone falls for a Lie of Ommission then it's on the person who got convinced instead of the person who did it since all they have to do is to ask, in this case, if there were other downsides to the brew, and then Gul'dan would have been forced to lie and the Horde would have been tricked. If someone falls for a Lie of Omission it means that they were greedy enough to believe it.
Then again, going full-on into all the problematic aspects of Thrall's Horde would make the player base riot over the fact that they were indeed the baddies. Pisses me off since it enables blindness to Fascistic systems and behaviours.
No failure of phasing that you have Saurfang and living Nagrim. I saw Zuridormi standing behind them, she's a Bronze Dragon in visage form and does a lot of timey-vimey stuff. So it was Bronze Flight fuckery that allowed them to be there.
So, blame Blizzard fan-pandering to attract players back after the shitshow that was SL.
34:01 VB I found it! A 12-year-old WoW vid talking about key settings and I saw "interact with mouseover", yes! that one. uh… I wish I can share this vid with Obxidian_ …. Hey~ Obxidian~ if you are watching lol the title is "Interact with NPC's you can't see." and you can see the key setting at 0:45 ;D So yes, it is not a new feature but Bz finally realize they need to promote it or players will never know xD
btw VB, I actually made a very long comment but yt keeps deleting it, after trying to separate them to see which line causes the deletion several times and still fail, I think I would just give up lmao I post it in my youtube "community" section if you are curious about the content ;D
Love your vid as always^^
Those are tuskarr, humanoid seals, and their kiddos are adorable, they are shown in game for the 1st time, and you will see more when you play with your other character/s. About the dracthyr: they are smaller and weaker because Deathwing made them by mixing dragon and humanoid races dna. More on them also when you play the rest of the story. Wow's dragon riding is a mix between sky scale and griffon from gw2. Blizz could make more stuff, but the current engine is old and has limitations. For a possible wow2 they could make a new one, but it would take time since it is unique. Other games share engine, which makes it a bit easier to add and improve on graphics side.
So my first impressions are not that great, as you can see.
I will say though. My next session was better and I did find more fun. I'll share that experience on YT next week!
Pretty sure they had to wrestle with the expectations their playerbase has for flying mounts.
Would they accept a mount that can hardly fly up?
Rathian it's the piece of s*** boss is that a habit work to takes credit for everything I do
You are not a dragon. You are a mix of mortal and dragon. So you cannot do everything a dragon can do
Remember the big sword? no? its the same with Saurfang no one remembers that he died XD