The orchestration prowess of Nobuo Uematsu is mind-blowing!
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#ffxiv #Reaction #DrumRollTonyReacts
Alright, which piece are we listening to next? 👀
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Ah dang, it’s the shorter version. I still enjoyed the video, though.
did he do shadowbringers yet?
This is the endroll theme of 2nd expansion, where our main story completed here. Heavy fight, high sacrifice, revealed truth and finally end of war. We are oucast and saved by true noble people, witnessing the betrayal after betrayal. But between the torture and revenge, there are still trust, hope and love. It still one of the best in all series.
Also, some tracks/songs evole from a specific theme. (a story line/a character). It is very satifying to enjoy them together.
For example: Neath Dark Waters/To the Edge/Fleeting Moment. They could be taken as 3 phases of one theme.
I always enjoy these kind of videos on my feed. FFXIV community sharing their love of the music with others.
This music brings diverse people together, to feel together, a rarity these days.
ff14 has a lot of great music but it's quite the rabbit hole they recently did a 10 year anniversary stream where they revealed that they have done 1,583 pieces of music for the game totaling around 82 hours of music. that said if i had to recommend just one song it'd be "to the edge"
This makes me wish I could play piano for the opening verse of this. So pretty.
Good thing you cant do anything when this song runs. Its only in full during the credits 🙂 FF14 usually uses a completed version of the main theme as ending theme, with full resolution and usage of all the motives and melodies established throughout the story arch. Its not only watching a story unfold, but also listening to it.
this song pops up several times and the story starts in one place and progresses to showing you the truth of the past, the lyrics hit harder each time the song plays cause while relevant to the story being told they're ultimately a story about what ACTUALLY happened in the past which…is a major plot point you discover
if you havent i would LOVE to see you react to the shadowbringers theme. another absolute favorite of mine. most of the music in ff14 is just amazing
it's so funny how when composers DON'T use the picardy third, musicians are like OH YES THIS IS GOOD YES SPICY STAYING IN THE SCALE WOW
Your reacting to the FFXIV soundtrack. The FFXIV community will come. Our passion is there.
This song. This song right here is when Final Fantasy XIV became my favorite game of all time. I literally cannot listen to this song without crying. The whole buildup through Heavensward to finally hear the lyrics of this song was just amazing. You hear just bits and pieces of the music throughout the expansion, and then at the very end, when all seems at its lowest point, you absorb the power of Hraesvelgr's eye, and the song starts, only this time you can actually hear the lyrics. So there you are, standing on the Great Bridge, staring down Nidhogg, and the only sound is the full rendition of Dragonsong while you wait for your queue to actually fight Nidhogg to pop. It's just so masterfully done, in every way. There will never be another game like FFXIV.
Tony. Thank you for having such an amazing channel. I always wanted to study music but never had the chance. To hear you break it down for those who know but also for those of us who don't know is simply amazing. I've been able to appreciate parts of composition I never noticed before (getting good headphones helped me hear all the different things going too) has been a wonderful experience. Like rediscovering fave songs with new ears.
Another one that might be cool to check out is Your Answer which is a reprise of Answers from 10 years later. It was definitely a punch in the face when I heard it the first time because essentially Answers is that song that plays at the start of your journey and then to hear Your Answer 10 years later at what is the penultimate moment of that journey really just made me feel a way I don't think I could describe
From FFXIV: Heavensward, Revolutions, Shadowbringers, Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Endwalker – Footfalls, Close in the Distance are the BIG tracks. Close in the Distance got a community video with over a thousand singers.
Stepping to the side music from FFXIV, there's: A Long Fall, eScape, Dancing Mad (Originally from FF6, re-done in FFXIV for a boss), The Black Wolf Stalks Again, Amatsu Kaze.
Another BIG recommendation is a triple-feature, cause one boss fight has three themes: Nightbloom, into Lunacy, into Wayward Daughter.
Omg you should do “Tomorrow and Tomorrow” and “Flow” next
(but I’m biased cuz I sing those songs…. 😅)
can you react to Wozwald by Miyashita Yuu?
This song does play during a major boss battle so you image how inconvenient it is to be enchanted by a huge piece of music like this when you got DPSing to do
If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend going to both "Distant Worlds" and " a New World." They Tour fairly frequently and you get to hear some of the masterpieces from Nobuo Uematsu live!
This is my favorite major theme in FFXIV. By far.
i love the ff14 ost so good 😢😢😢
I will never forget the way the community collectively flipped out when the Heavensward trailer dropped with this song. We were naive back then, not sure what to expect. The music only got stronger and stronger and stronger.
Not FFXIV (though that's what brought me to your channel) I'd like to see your thoughts on 'mayor of simpleton' by XTC
This may be weird.. but you were mentioning the timpani, and I took a second to really listen and it occurred to me that there is something just so.. fundamentally Uematsu about the timpani. a feeling that goes back to even the 16, 8bit titles. that low bassy rumble and percussiveness with wind punctuation just… FEELS Uematsu.
16:40 the climax, right before (and during) the final boss of Heavensward.
and it hit. it really, really hit.
similar Chrono Trigger frog's song. Some progress.
Just keep doing ff lol, honestly you could do this for all of 14, and ff in general
Oooh here we go! I look forward to any other FFXIV tracks that you decide to check out as well 😀
My favorite game and just that piano intro is enough to bring tears to my eyes. By the time we get to the intro of the schmaltzy stings, I'm a puddle.
Incase no one has mentioned it the song is about the love between the Elvaan Woman Shiva and the Dragon Hraesvelgr. Thousands of years before the main story you see Hraesvelgr at 9:50 in Tony's video.
One thing I love about this song is that it is literally telling you the history/backstory of the nation where the Heavensward expansion takes place. Consider that the dragons in this game pass their history down through song…
Hell yeah, more FF14 music!
My first thought after seeing the Answer's video was "Really hope he does Dragonsong".
Love your obvious passion for music & genuine thoughtful analysis, as opposed to the typical music "react" style.
(No hate to those who like that stuff, this channel is just a nice breath of fresh air 🙂 )
I THINK (correct me yall if I'm missing stuff/messed up) that this version with the lyrics, plays for the first time before a big "final" dragon battle against the big antagonist dragon character of the expansion. You 'just' come out of this cutscene, and then standing across the way on this huge bridge, a chasm on either side, landscape blanketed by snow, is the antagonist dragon and this version with lyrics starts to play. And you're able to just stand there, staring down this dragon and listen to this music (if you wish) before you start the (trial?) to actually fight it. I can't recall if it also plays during the fight itself… I think it might have different music unsure.
But it was an emotional whammy, hit me like a tons of bricks first time I played through. Heard this song so much without any lyrics while playing, and then suddenly at the height of narrative comes in the added voice.
Just wow.
This song underpins some really powerful, emotional story beats in the game. It still gives me chills and even a little tear or two several years after I first played through that part of the game. It is definitely music that delivers.
I don't think a song has made me cry as much as this one tbh.
DrumRollTony Plays the game when?
A lot of XIV songs, range from fun to breathtaking on their own, once you combine it with the context it really engraves itself on you. The game itself takes a little time to hook you depending on the person, but once you're invested it has you. One fun thing listening to this made me remember, is Square-Enix usually had a pretty big delay on releasing lyrics so, for these early songs especially, there was a lot of time we were trying to interpret the words and meaning, and really spending time with the song itself, even if it's not apparent till after you've experienced it, there's a lot of little symbolism baked in under the lyrics and in the music itself which is awesome to experience as well which makes revisiting both after the credits roll a whole new experience, both on the lyrics and musical level after you've seen how the motif gets used and develops deeper emotions onto it.
ohhh the tears we had when this was out we all Teared river
Ok let's be serious… I'm sure I do not talk only for myself but on behalf of others by saying this : I would pay you for sure to see you play this game. I mean… It's a must and a once a in lifetime experience to listen to that beautiful music and to play at the same time because then you understand what is at stake. Not sure how to explain this but … please you must play! You'll live so much emotions, I can promise you that! Who's with me? Who wants to see him play that masterpiece?? Do a thumbs-up!