Minfilia is a Dirtbag
Parody of “Teenage Dirtbag” by Wheatus
Plam has a deep hatred of Minfilia after all the of post ARR fetch quests which have now (thankfully) been patched out. We thought it was time to honour this hatred.
(Switch doesn’t mind her though…)
Lyrics by – Best_Wife_Plam
Performed by – Best_Wife_Plam
Edited by – Switch2501
Sound Mixed By – DDM STUDIOS L.L.C
You can check out Best Wife Plam on her Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/best_wife_plam
Be sure to check out Switch2501 on his Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/switch2501
And as always, We couldn’t put these videos together without the help of our awesome community!:
Ashley_Wac, Nyaesa, Lolo (CDBarnezy), Castamir & Cypherhobby
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
© SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
The wine addiction continues, lol
Love this parody
ARGGHHHHH NEW SONG – amazing and i love it
Minfillia is 1000% a dirtbag haha
Classic song to parody. Love it!
Of course Minfilia would ask us to collect her crates of wine.
this honestly hits too hard
How does she keep finding me????
M: Where is that wine I told you to fetch?
Me: <hiic> Wha…? 's no vine. <hup? 'scuse me… going to Sleep in Sands now. get it? get it? hehehehehezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I have this song stuck in my head thanks I love it
Great job, this made me smile 🙂 !
Amazing parody as always!!! It reminds me, that i am glad the Waking Sand isn't the main base of the Scions anymore xD
Very good work! Now pray return to the Waking Sands, there are crates of wine that need to be moved!
This is a banger ♥ Thank you!
Another amazing parody!
When you think about it … Plam is strong enough to endwalk now because she had to carry all of Minfillia's wine as a sprout.
This channel is underrated. Keep up the great parodies! 🤣
Not to put too fine a point on things, but… That trip to the First might've been the best thing to happen to that woman.
I really enjoyed filming that guitar bit, strumming to the beat! Please hit me up for more mechanical stuff like that. As always another awesome video and thank you for having me <3
Nice one guys 😂
Amazing!!! I love these parodies!!!