Reacting to FFXIV A Realm Reborn Flames of Truth Trailer

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Reacting to FFXIV Flames of Truth Trailer


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6 thoughts on “Reacting to FFXIV A Realm Reborn Flames of Truth Trailer”

  1. The Scions are all praying at the shrines of the 12 in 1.0 it was a quest series for us and yes that was Limsa you actually see all 3 cities in the beginning

  2. Depends on what you mean by "right one" as they are all the right one but with slight differences. End of an Era was the base cinematic and was played at the server shutdown of 1.0, A New Beginning is the cinematic that plays when you start playing ARR for the first time, it plays the End of an Era cinematic then shows what happened to the Warriors of Light afterwards, then we have Flames of Truth which combines the End of an Era cinematic with the cinematic scene you see inside the Coils of Bahamut. Technically speaking the A New Beginning cinematic is the complete and correct trailer as it is the one shown in the movies section of the main menu.


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