I find your lack of faith disturbing, Sharlayan! Reuploaded for #shorts format #ff14 #ffxiv #endwalker
WE ARE STREAMING ON YOUTUBE! FFXIV most days, Persona 5 Royal on Sundays!
Fri-Sun: 8pm – 11pm PST/PDT, Usually live during these days
M-Th: 8pm – 10pm PST/PDT, Randomly live during these days
https://www.twitch.tv/kevwashere (if I’m not on Youtube)
DISCORD IS NOW OPEN: https://discord.gg/R8TwmgHrvb
Dad I mean Darth Vader
weird how this short is doing… 57.5x better than the NON-SHORT????
in lieu of eating crow, u may elect instead to title ONE (1) stream this week 'Disastra was RIGHT!!'
Grahas smirk I'm crying 😭 I've watched this like 10 times it's beautiful
Vader, release him!
😂Vader looking confused
This is great XD
If Sharlyan would have helped back when the Garleans were helping Fandaniel carry out his plan, there would have been no need for the Forum to continue their contingency plan
The true Warrior of Darkness
Vader being isekai'd after Ep.6 into the FFXIV universe as a WoL/WoD feels oddly fitting for a spin-off collab story.
vader would choke everyone to death until he gets what he wants xd
The smile~
Vader: where the am I I was on the death star not five minutes ago
This is brilliant oh my lord