MELEE DPS ARE GREEDY!!! πŸ”₯ Laccre reacts to 'A crap Guide To FFXIV – Melee DPS' – JoCat

I am VERY interested in Monk and Reaper, but i have no idea why Ninja and Samourai scare me so much lol! How do you even play them??

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17 thoughts on “MELEE DPS ARE GREEDY!!! πŸ”₯ Laccre reacts to 'A crap Guide To FFXIV – Melee DPS' – JoCat”

  1. Before even watching the video I can say as someone that plays in melee range a lot (tank main) I lost count years ago of times I’ve seen melee die to easily avoidable boss aoe where you take less damage further away you are cause they wanted to get that one last gcd in

  2. I'm a Black Mage main… who should really be considered a melee main considering how much I play them. Melee is a lot of fun. I recommend Dragoon to start, as it has a slower GCD than the others and does teach the fundamentals reasonably well. Also ESTINIEN!!! (He is the Azure Dragoon.)

    Samurai and Reaper are my favorites. Both are unlocked at higher levels, and are more selfish than the others, but I found were very easy to learn.

    Monk and Ninja have the best glam of the melees IMO.

    And we're getting a new melee in Dawntrail.

  3. yayy my new favorite vtuber at it again with the jocat reactions πŸ˜€

    edit: just so you know, he was joking about the ninja symbol combos, none of them are that complex. They're at most 3 symbols per combo and you can't repeat the same one twice in any one combo, so there's really not all that many to memorize. I say this because I saw your face in the ninja part and wanted to make you less scared of it LOL

  4. Monk for life baby. For some reason people find it hard but it's practically only 6 buttons on repeat just rotated. Unfortunately Monk got most of their positionals removed and it makes me very sad as it was the fun part of the job. Now I just have to pretend they still exist.

    Ninja is pretty fun to level once you get the Mudras at level 30-45. It's nothing like the video example, it's just 3 buttons and a max of 3 inputs followed by the activation. There's no crazy 12 input presses xD although it would be funny if their was. Also they walk and run faster than any other job by default so just having one is nice when you have to quest on foot.

  5. For single-target monk you've got two buttons for each stance.
    Dragon Kick does more damage with no buff, but gives Bootshine a buff. Result: Swap back and forth between the two.
    Twin Snakes does less damage than True Strike but grants you a damage buff on all your attacks. Result: Swap back and forth between the two.
    Demolish does less initial damage than Snap Punch but applies a DoT worth more damage if the fight continues another 9 seconds or more. Result: Do Demolish every THIRD time.
    So it's
    Dragon, Twin, Demo
    Boot, True, Snap
    Dragon, Twin, Snap
    Boot, True, Demo
    Dragon, Twin, Snap
    Boot, True, Snap
    Writing out the "full rotation" of 18 attacks really confuses people and makes them think it's more complicated than it is. It's really just, "For the DoT reapply it if it's under 5 seconds, otherwise do Snap Punch. For the other two do whatever you didn't do last time."

  6. So fun fact, lalafell ninjas instead to the airplane run with their arms outstretched while moving. Samurai, if anything these days, is probably the easiest melee to play because the only real thing to manage is that single one-minute dot on boss fights, so there's not really anything that scary about them when it comes to learning them. As for the other melee, Reaper is definitely fun, and while Ninja can definitely be complicated at times (least played job for a reason), it's still nowhere near as complicated as Dragoon, which is getting an overhaul for the next expansion because it currently sits on the highest APM of any job in the game. Monk can be a bit tricky closer to max level in FFXIV because of what all needs to be juggled (dot, buff/attack alteration, cooldown giving you the black and white dots on the punchcard), but it's definitely fun.

    Also, I'm pretty sure JoCat has a recording for that entire Reaper song somewhere.

  7. So for this video. As ithers have mentioned, Ninjas 'spells' are either 1, 2 or 3 buttons long, and only the last button you hit determine what they do. Jocat made them longer for comedic effect πŸ™‚

    Reaper is a blast, its my main, though you do not unlock it till endwalker. That said, if you plan to play reaper as soon as you can, then level up Dragoon first, as dragoon and reaper share armor/jewlry.

  8. Hello Laccre! I'm back again to give WoW comparisons to each class! πŸ˜€

    …..There isn't one… There really isn't a proper comparison. So instead i'll just describe how they play, which is complex no matter which one but i'ma try my best. XD

    Monk: My main, gotta go fast. You have a permanent 20% haste buff. You hit stupid fast… but at the moment you're kinda ninja-light with how your perfect balance gauge works.
    Ninja: Do you like burst windows?! Well have a class that dumps EVERYTHING into a 15 second burst window, then has a 45 second cooldown phase.
    Samurai: Do you like stickers, pretty flowers, and pure weebery? Samurai is for you!
    Dragoon: You are the queen of hippy hops… also dragons. πŸ™‚ They are also the slowest of the melee with time between their attacks, but they do a ton of weaving with their OGCD's.


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