Not the usual meme content but I wanted to share this fantastic occurrence that happened to my FC members and me after travelling to Anima, Mana DC. We met Hironobu Sakaguchi and he also gave us his signature sakaGUCCI item!
Video created by Veridis Arpegius (Elemental DC-Kujata)
Twitter @VeridisArpegius
#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #HironobuSakaguchi #FinalFantasy #FFVII #FFXIVEndwalker #FinalFantasy14 #FF!4
Lmao that is so cool. He's a legend
this is great!! what an awesome moment you've captured here. His twitter is so fun to read about his adventures. Good soul!
Sakaguchi is super active on twitter with FFXIV (practically all he posts nowadays) and now with DC travel, it's not uncommon or hard to meet him now as you can go to the SQUARE FC and he's probably there, so we're definitely not saying this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. But still, this was our first time ever DC travelling and we had no intention/thought of seeing him at all so this was a great pleasant surprise for us! We'll probably be going back here and there and we might see him again, but as they say, the first time is always special so we wanted to especially document this first meeting! If you do see him in-game, PLEASE be respectful, I don't want this video to start anything bad that would give the English community a bad name (more than it already is lol, just in case).
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Gifts from the father of Final Fantasy himself. Congratulations!
Dont you dare sell that Glasses on MB!!
Isnt that p4s weapon ?? lol he already cleared p4s damnnn !! :O
stalk that cute adorable lalafel!
This is so cool. Would've loved to hear your VC.
omg ive always wanted to meet him in the game and buy his crafted items
haha hopefully all region can travel to each other one day
So it's true… legends plays lalafell…
I hope I can meet him too someday
I'm playing in Tonberry, so I have to go to Mana, find and meet the Legend :O
Man, I envy ya guys! Dude is such a legend.
I would never take those glasses off
Are all Squeniz people playing as Lalafel?
Sakaguchi! Thank you for everything <3
Genuine question, who is he?
jesus its like finding an non-chained shiny
I would too be freaked out too if it was me. Im having goosebumps
Ah I wanna meet Gucci!! Damn I'm stuck in EU!
What FC is that? is it like the developer FC?
Zenos: Acknowledgement, at long last!
he actually kept posting which data center he gonna visit almost in daily basis
Too bad he usually doing his daily strolls with the fans on an early hour for the asian fanbases so it actually benefit so much for Western playerbases.
By the time i logged in , he usually already done playing with his fans :')
Sakaguchi-sama, We kneel