Mary Muffin Healer's Curse | FFXIV Comic Dub

” Shame G’raha is not around to help, but considering the dense cat is already oblivious to Mary Muffin’s suggestions, its.. well doubtful. ” – Follow the artist below!

⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️: I am not the artist, that would be the link person below!

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#gingersid #ComicDub #FFXIV


22 thoughts on “Mary Muffin Healer's Curse | FFXIV Comic Dub”

  1. As someone who regularly mains Healer and Support Classes in a variety of games, I can definitely confirm. It is a harsh and unforgiving curse, but one we bear with pride to help and protect those who are dear to our hearts…and loins.

  2. I mean… You're playing whm. Just look at Holly Whyte

    If you played a classy job like AST or sage, you don't feel like a slut at all.
    You'll feel like the stars are your bitch, time is always by your side… Except when Jerry doesn't move out of his leylines to avoid death…

    OR you just go pew pew and let the blood of your enemies nourish your friends while dashing around like a boss


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