Dawntrail brought with it a couple of answers and a LOT of new mysteries and possibilities for Final Fantasy XIV. one of those mysteries is where the story is going and who the next big bad is going to be. Unlike the previous arc, the groundwork has long been laid for what appears to be coming, and it’s worse than Meteion…
Video on Auracite: https://youtu.be/WPLKBTUENIg
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iirc, during the last media tour right before DT, one of the FF14 content creators asked Yoshi P for clues regarding DT and, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Yoshi P said to pay attention to one of the Alliance Raids and to the names of the seats of the Convocation and the only possible relevant Alliance Raids are either Ivalice or the Myths of the Realm, but then some people forget that one of the names of the Convocation is Altima, the patron of the arts, some people speculating that they're meant to be same word as Ultima but "Altima" was just an old mistranslation, so maybe Yoshi P's clue was indeed related to Ultima?
On the other hand, it's undeniable that Ultima and the Auracite are key in FF14 lore. To this day, I'm convinced that the reason Venat was present in Elpis that day "at the request of a friend", was because she was there at the request of Elidibus and she was meant to be the one helping him investigate what was going on in Pandaemonium, but because of the whole thing with the Final Days, it's possible that the whole deal with Ultima flew under her radar until way later.
Finally, on the last 7.0 trial, the Auracite in the Key reacted to us when we invoked Azem's power to summon our allies, and Azem's symbol shined on top of the key, something they showed at the start of the trial and then proceeded to never speak of it again, which is extremely suspicious, while at the same time, they showed to us other instances of the key being used but Azem's symbol didn't appeared, which makes the reaction the key made to Azem's power very specific and for a reason.
Some people might say that Ultima is just a side character meant to be side content stuff, but lets not forget that Ultima and the Auracite have been key figures not only in a raid and an alliance raid, but also the MSQ itself, so I want to see what CBU3 is cooking here, but you can be sure that there is a link between the key, Azem and the WoL, otherwise the key wouldn't have reacted in such a specific and particular way to Azem's magic.
The problem I have with this theory is at the start: in the relic of the Milala I don't see auracite. Rather, I see an artefact of power akin to Tupsimati or the horn of Seal Rock which would become the heart of Alexander.
I went and reread everything we got on Ultima, you got it all wrong. Be careful of the wording. What is said is that Ultima became something akin to a Primal because she was worshipped out of fear. Literally the original Ultima became the core of the Primal Ultima. So we already defeated her in the alliance raid.
wait, what is wrong with the key? it is missing a lot of detail. It was a really cool key. Also, yea I thought it looked a bit like auracite.
Oh my god, this video comes at the perfect time. My brother is still rather new to the game and caught up to 7.0 last week and he was pretty confused as to why the appearance of the Key got me this hyped.
I found it hard to put into words, but this video is brilliantly made and should suffice to make him see what I mean.
I just found your channel through this video and I instantly subbed, this is great stuff.
Your logo is difficult to read, perhaps brighten the gold a bit, the shade of the text blends with the magic circle
ok, tin foil hat time:
Hydealyn imprisons Ultima within the mother crystal(speculation), Zenos eats the mother crystal to give him the strength to reach Ultima Thule, Zenos then dies in Ultima Thule, we learn in the void consumed beings can reconstitute once the host dies, Ultima might be able to reform in Ultima Thule with the souls of a thousand of worlds of seeking to subjugate the universe… 👼
I'll see myself out 🙃
You didn't skip the Ivalice and Bozja stories? You can't be human.
It’s Tataru
Is it wrong that I wish there was a scene in the future where we/wol casts ultima? You know, have us as the player pick the words in a cutscene. "From the deepest pit of the seven hells…" And then Gaius for example sees what we are doing and is like "No, you fool!"
The first time they even showed the key to the golden city, the first thing that I thought was "Oh shit, that's an auricte crystal inside that thing."
Does it matter? After plot armor scions and Mary WoL easily roflstomped continent sized high tech nations and invincible super mages plus civilisation ending birds, it's more than clear, that this game will never have any meaningful struggle or alike.
It will always be just another random villaion you easily kill by poking them to death, even if they could just fly with hypersonic speed and carpet bomb you and everything on your continent into oblivion in a millisecond. They will just stand there and wait till you poke them to death.
Very bad take from me, but seeing that version of Ultima at 7:57 somehow rewired my brain and made me think "Huh, the thing she's fused with looks so mechanical it kinda reminds me of Alexander". One big thing I'm hoping for with the 3 trial story bosses is a remade, modernised fight with Alexandria's Alexander in one way or another. So. Idk. Lots of silly potential ideas to combine Ultima and Alexander. Just because it'd be cool.
nah i don't thin that's it ,good theory though
The next villain is wuk lamat and we will yeet her off cuscos temple with the words of mr scar "long live the king" (well at least thats my hope)
Except we have Ultima already. Like more then once. We have Ultima Weapon with the heart of sabik which is both its own encounter and ultimate enounter. Then we have the Ultima boss in the Ivalice raids. Then we have Athena who becomes ultima herself in the savage version. I mean. this is like saying that another shard should have another Omega. Don't work like that lol. I would love actual proof that it was more then zodiark and the source that was sundered. Like you would think if you went off that theory. then alot of the old primals and stuff would be sundered too..not just ultima and zodiark as you postulate. Granted…square loves reusing assets lol.
I'd wondered if auracite would play a major role in the future, but this would be way cooler than it just being a plot piece
Yall are giving xiv writers too much credit. Post 6.0, they don't care about established lore or canon. They're writing new stories and throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You can expect 7.x and beyond to be 99% nostalgia/fan service and 1% filler written by someone's kid a day before the assignment was due at their school.
I’m glad others are taking up the lore lord mantle
Been weird without ethysasher
Dont care who will be the next villain
I just want to save the living memory
Im pondering if maybe the mysterious organization, The Preservation is next…these guys pioneer electrope, create the endless, made the eternal queen and then poof theyre gone? Nah they're somewhere..waiting.
They killed to many important characters off in endwalker like Hydea and ascians ff14 story is all over the place with this expansion was horrible and Wuk is annoying in your face character so they can sell thier new race they didn’t even do this for the Vieras where we got only one location and one dungeon. They need to focus on the WOL and enough of foreign wars we gotta always save. Yoshi p also stated there’s still Asican left we need to stick with the lore ff14 started with , All this cyberpunk stuff mixing with magic doesn’t mix right
I literally skipped half of this expansion none of the new characters are interesting and also killing off the twelve was a stupid mistake which can be fixed. “Let them cook more” is not something we can afford the asican also a big part of FF14 and why our world exist too.
Feel like this expansion trying to fill the gap and characters they killed off in endwalker the devs went overboard with killing off everything
Bruh maybe put a spoiler warning for ff16? Some ppl still hoping/waiting for a pc release @.@
Small correction: You say we use White Auracite to seal Lahabrea and Igeyorhm, that's not true. We seal Igeyorhm and kill her, and then Thordan stabs Lahabrea and consumes him with his sword. Lahabrea is presumably spent entirely by Thordan during the fight, as Thordan and all his sacrifices dissipate, with the lone exception of the Eyes of Nidhogg.
Ngl, if they pull this Wuk Lamat sh******t again, their next villain is gonna be me.
And what about the Azem sigil when the Key was activated by Queen Eternal ? Because the key IS tied to Azem.
Great theory video! I never really made any of these connects with Ultima and I’m excited to see if this is where they go.
The description of this video teases Ultima as being "worse then Metieon", which is a weird claim to make, as the set up you described sounds like Ultima would actually be pretty good. Metieon was a horrible villain, and character in general.
I feel like the reason Auracite is in Ivalice is because…that’s where Auracite is most prominent in FF history. FF12 and Tactics have Auracite playing a big part in their stories.
Of course, that’s not to say it can’t be more important, like other reference pieces in the game.
Great vid
My guess is the next villain is the writer. Too much time with Wuk Lamat, too many ideas not being given enough time, and a last minute ramp up to world ending dilemma instead of lowering the stakes like they said they wanted to.
… That's why there are tacos everywhere… It's all a warning of the BIG FAT TACOS TO COME!!! OHHHHH MYYYY GGOOOOOOOOOOD!
commenting before this blows up
I wish they'd stop rehashing old Final Fantasies, its getting really old really fast. And with these new talentless writers it will be even worse, because the quality won't be there.
What about the people making the princess an eternal and knowing how to move from shards to shards… I think they are the next honestly.
this was a really cool video and i really liked hearing all the lore surrounding ultima but i think its more likely that we will be going up again Preservation, discovering their motivations and goals, as well as the connections between the Key and Azem.
I think we need a villain arc, that would be cool and I know it doesn't really make sense but it could be like a fragment of Azem like you.
i didn't watch the video yet but is it wuk lamat cause god id love to end that bloodline
"I see it now. In you… his blood, my vanquisher in times… long past. But not so soon… shall I accept defeat…"
I've been locked in on this theory ever since Orbonne Monastery dropped.
I am curious if at some point in this post-endwalker saga, the writers will eventually go down the line of making a major villain a reflection of Azem that's evil or some other twisted take on WoL. Zenos had a little bit of that going on but we could probably find a more in depth take on the idea. Maybe a version of WoL that shines a light on the negative side of constantly leaving those you connect with behind for the sake of new sights and experiences. Never getting properly attached to who or what you find. Maybe that's a bit of an amateurish "fan fiction" idea but I'd at least be curious to see where that idea could go.
I agree with the thesis of this video. The reality is leaving the Heart of Sabik with Claudien is effectively a bookmark in the ongoing story that will be addressed in the future. Ultima will come back maybe when they let us go to Dalmasca.
What if they just bring up Altima, one of the convocation of fourteen but ascian instead…?
i never doubt ff
A really exciting video. Great job!
one of my biggest hopes for the XIV story in the near future is for the WoL and Scions to suffer a brutal and complete loss (or two), and this line of story would definitely facilitate that
we’ve developed so much hubris and confidence, both as characters and players, that an astronomical reality check is (in my mind) the only way to keep the story interesting