New videos of geekery, reactions, and anime/otaku-related content at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) Wednesday to Sunday.
Watch the original vids here:
A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Ranged DPS
Every Time Halloween Ends
Silvervale Christmas Debut Animation by JoCat
JoCat Roasts a Viewer – FFXIV Animation
what are they doing?
Grab Your Friends – D&D Original Animated Song [SPONSORED]
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Channel thumbnail Character and Channel Mascot created by Temporary Alien, art by RunnawayTourist.
#reaction #finalfantasyxiv #jocat
Glad to see more from you, man.
Always a treat to watch your reactions!
Not Einstein.
7:42 butterfly is probably digimon
DnD rules are like the geneva convention suggestion
you called Estinien einstein……..
Can you please react to Ssethtzeentachs VTM: Bloodlines vid? It’s a good introduction to his channel
Apparently Jocat can cast vicious mockery IRL
That "muscle dragon" is TROGDOR THE BURNINATOR, a staple of internet history!
Feel kinda sad and left out since my Red Mage has never been mentioned in any of the videos. Lol.
Jocat is always amazing.
Jocat has a play list of the whole storyline
just saying
Please react to Cami Cat golden land campaign songs and her life of a bard song.
Accurate, DRK openers are insane. As off tank, I start off with my stance off so I dont out aggro the Main tank. Poor dancer spends the rest of the fight catching up with my deeps. But we salute their contributions in savage raids, always two, there must be.
butterfly is the first digimon opening
Right, getting right into it. Peloton is the ranged DPS group movement buff. Increases everyone's speed in an AOE around the user. Not as fast as popping sprint, but can be upkept, though it drops in combat. At 1:50 that appears to be oatmeal. 5:30 Aliens! 7:45 Digimon. 8:30 I got nothing either mate. 14:11 That guy in the recommended video looks familiar. 17:45 Here here!
Masaka is Japanese for No way
And it's a reference to a video called "People who think they speak Japanese"
Once again Jocat proves that he is an actual IRL Bard… from songs to vicious mockery, he got it all.
The button for next frame or previous frame only works when the last thing you clicked is the screen/video itself instead of the pause button, time bar, volume, etc
Butterfly is Digimon Adventure
PTSD, yo☆🧙♂️😑
Estinien, not Einstein. it's the name of one of the characters. he's the azure dragoon
butterfly is the original japanese opening song for digimon adventure. ^^
bards sometimes have a harp attached to the top half of their bow, but their bows aren't literally harps (except for the artemis bow which is a harp that can fold out into a bow)
WHOO! THe two I suggested are in this Video!
It’s very funny that looking at the Dancer from the outside you get the impression it’s random because it’s exactly the opposite, the procs being 50% means at most you have to press a button twice to move on to the next button, and when the next button is ready, it lights up, so Dancer is the simplest in the game to play
Playing dancer is like playing a rhythm game.
How can you hate the interface when you can literally change everthing about it?
As a dancer main it's not THAT bad
Butterfly is a Digimon song
Idk if you've already seen it, but you should react to "great at cowboy," an epithet erased song.
It goes over the backstory of that cowgirl who was terrifying in those last 3 or 4 episodes of epithet erased.
10:27 … yeah. That's dancer. I spent an afternoon once I got the job trying to make this exact same kind of flowchart. Jocat did it better.
As I've seen before, as response to 'Everytime Halloween Ends' punchline: The War on Christmas will continue until they stop attacking Thanksgiving.
So do you have or are you going to get a gobbo plushie
The UI is getting a facelift…and oddly the UI has been praised by WoW players… since you dont need to add stuff.
I mean there are mods to clean up and give the player extra stuff to spruce the UI.
I think there's also a ton of UI guides to actually clean it up.
I believe that mushy cereal is wet bran
Butterflyis digimon
Playing dancer just like "That botton is glow now, let's click it!" "Oh no, nothing glow, let's try again" "It glow, it golw, IT GLOW!!!"
8:30 : my guess is that he's saying "Masaka", which is a phrase that you'd hear a lot in anime. It's used as a mark of disbelief, usually in a setting of treaterous actions. For example, if a supposed ally backstabs a character, said character will say that just before or just after being stabbed.
17:45 Looks at the epic dragon fight in Discord… Last game August 12th 2022
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It’s not a recap but JoCat has VODs of him playing from A Realm Reborn through Endwalker on his other channel JoCat Streams. He’s a great voice actor and fun to watch.
Butterfly the Japanese opening for the og Digimon
12:00 Have you tried Ski Queen gjetost? It's a cheese that tastes like caramel.